Frontiermen: to the anniversary of the Nicholas Roerich

Baeva Lyudmila V.


October 9, 2014 marked 140 years since the birth of Nicholas Roerich - Russian philosopher, artist, who discovered the western world secrets of the soul of the Orient Culture. European Education, Knowledge of the Russian philosophical tradition enabledhim to receive spiritual tradition of India and contributed to its broadcast worldwide. We call Nicholas Roericha man of two civilizations, East and West, man borderlands frontier, because the movement of European culture to the East through Roerich found and "feedback". The book "Heart of Asia" by N. Roerich is an example of integrative, cross-cultural research, the foundation for the scientific and cultural knowledge of this vast region. Studying by Roerich of Buddhism and its interaction with Islam, Hinduism, Christianity allowed to comprehend the unity and boundaries of these traditions.
