The main directions of Spanish foreign policy during the x legislature of Mariano Rajoy (2011-2014)

Kosyak Yelena Vladimirovna


Mariano Rajoy's People's Party won the general elections 2011 in Spain. The winning party faces today a set of domestic and foreign policy challenges in view of a general strategy to find a way out of the deep economic crisis, creation of favorable external conditions for the long-term social and economic development and strengthen its position on the international scene. At the same time, the realization of the established tasks is impossible without carrying out deep reforms determined by the international context and consequences of the further EU integration. Under these circumstances the Government of Rajoy undertakes attempts to adapt Spanish foreign policy and reorganize the diplomatic service in accordance with the dictates of the time and extended international agenda, and continues with the traditional foreign policy areas. As a consequence of such reforms, Rajoy not only succeeds strengthen priority international contacts and enlarge the field of geopolitical national interests, but he also makes an important contribution to solve a foreign policy legal regulation problem, as well as restructures the organizational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
