Issue 2014 No. 1 (38)


The assistance of the large neighbouring cultural centres of Kalmykia in the national economy specialists training

Kornilova Irina M.
13-18   328

The paper is devoted to the history of manpower training among Kalmyk young people in the neighbouring regions. A special role in training of highly qualified specialists for the republic of Kalmykia belongs on Astrakhan and Astrakhan State University, established in 1918. After the Kalmyk autonomou...
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Labor education of the youth in the soviet far east between civil war and the great patriotic war

Bilim Natalya N.
18-22   315

The article studies labor education as one of the elements of Soviet youth policy. Red Army soldiers and Read Fleet sailors were needed for the strengthening the country’s defensive capacity and delivering national security in the Far East region before the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). success...
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Activity muslim organizations of the Volga region in confessional education in the 1990-2000th

Syzranov Andrey V.
23-29   332

Article is devoted to the analysis of activity of the Muslim organizations of the Volga region in the sphere of confessional education in the 1990-2000th (on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Samara, Astrakhan areas, the Republics of Mordovia and Chuvashia). Begun in the second half of th...
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Ethno-cultural development of the Abkhaz diaspora in the Arab countries

Gurguliya Esma A.
29-33   422

The goal of the investigation is to show Ethno-cultural development of the Abkhaz diaspora in the Arab countries. The article deals with the number of Abkhazians and their resettlement, their life support system, socio-professional structure and spiritual culture....
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To formation of the concept of political service

Morozov Sergey A.
34-40   327

The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the term "political goods" in the market of political services. In clause the problem of definition of the goods in the political market as a phenomenon of the modern sociopolitical system based on principles of the market organization of economy an...
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Geopolitical Identification of the Caspian Region in Past and Present: Energy and Transportal Dimensions

Magomedov Arbakhan K.
40-45   339

This article analyzes the changing geopolitical identification of the Caspian basin at the past and present. The main focus of his research the author makes on the specifics of the Caspian region. Caspian geography has made the energy and transit issues the key to interpreting the meaning of the rap...
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An Innovative Strategy for Survival and Success in a Competitive Environment: the Singapore Experience

Seleznev Pavel S.
45-52   352

The article examines the innovation building experience of Singapore, a country that was forced to follow the intensive development course as it lacked significant natural resources and because Singapore’s Southeast Asian competitors exerted strong economic pressure upon the country. Special atten...
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E-government under conditions of modenization of modern management processes

Ryabtseva Yelena Ye., Kazanokov Ashad Mukhamedovich
53-56   438

This article attempts to explore the reform of administrative and management processes, improve information and analytical support of decision-making at all levels of Government by using modern information tools, the main one being e-Government. The authors analyse the difficulties and shortcomings ...
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Interactive mechanism ecosystem of networking public administration in the context of public policy in Russia

Miroshnichenko Inna V.
56-72   352

This paper examines the role of interactive mechanisms incorporating social networks in public administration in the development of public policy in modern Russia. Subject of research - the networking ecosystem of interactive public administration in modern Russia. The purpose of the study was to as...
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Ballots as a tool of electoral engineering

Morozova Oksana S.
72-78   364

The article describes the kinds, types, form ballots for voting based on extensive international experience. Analyzed methods of voting (ballots) in the world. The possibilities of election engineering affect the results of elections to representative bodies through the use of various types of ballo...
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Ways to optimize the electoral system of Russia

Grishin Nikolai V., Marmilova Ekaterina P.
79-90   332

At present stage the Russian electoral system needs a systemic modernization to restore its ability to provide the most important political function. The paper presents some results for the implementation of the research project "Optimization of the Russian electoral system from sanation to developm...
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The concept, nature and particular category В«national securityВ»

Novoselov Sergey Veniaminovich
91-96   337

In modern research on question of national security conceptual apparatus characterized unchecked, many different interpretations of the terms, the lack of a clear understanding of the issues and possible solutions. Source of "national security" is inextricably linked to the category of "national int...
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Russia: between paternalism and democracy

Oskina Olga I.
96-101   375

The article analyzes the problems of the modern Russian society related to the development of democracy in the conditions persisting paternalistic behavior practices . A characteristic of paternalism , as a basic element of the political culture of the Russians. Particular attention is paid to the c...
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Digitization" of society in the era of globalization as a tool for total control)

Makeev Oleg Yu.
101-107   366

In the article an attempt of understanding the reasons of total control exercised by the social networks from the intelligence services of the USA for personal data and the personal lives of its own citizens and citizens of other sovereign States. According to the author, the main actors in this pro...
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New model of economic progress of Russia within the limits of Uniform economic space

Gavrilina Nataliya
108-112   332

In article the major questions of a state of the art of the Russian economic system, its dynamics and prospects of progress .Автор arrangement of social and economic system and level of development of a national economy are considered offers reorientation of model of social and economic progres...
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Features of modern regional assessment of (GRP) in the Russian Federation

Kiyaschenko Tatiana. A.
112-118   340

The article analyzes the problems of interaction between economic policy and the use of statistics. Is considered one of the major challenges in the field of statistics - the use of theory in the statistics calculations. As a result, features a more concrete ways to improve relations between the gov...
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Characteristics of economic and trade relation between the people`s of China and the republic Kazakhstan at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries

Yagudin Bulat M., Kumukov Albert M.
118-124   368

Article is concentrated on trade and economic relations between Kazakhstan and China. The author exposes the main areas of collaboration between two countries. Special attention is paid to the legal basis and financial resources in relationship between the countries. Based on the analysis of dynamic...
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Nonstandard employment Russian labor market

Kirillova Nadezhda I.
124-129   337

The article is devoted to the problem of nonstandard employment forms’ influence on staff’s salary. Here described the Russian specificity of nonstandard employment processes. The differences between the salary of staff, employed on the standard base and the salary of staff employed under nonsta...
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Cluster approach to the development of the Caspian fishery complex

Markelov Konstantin A., Golovin Aleksey V.
129-139   324

Investigated the existing approaches to the organizational cluster technologies in the fisheries at the regional level of the country. Their state and prospects for use in the Caspian fish industry Basin are evaluated. The special features of the functioning of agroindustrial and fishery complexes o...
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Modernization of the archaic

Baryshkov Vladimir P.
140-145   369

The dominant factor in the socio-political processes in modern Russian history are traditional cultural attitudes. Attempts by authorities in the 1960-s of the last century, modernize the society did not have and could not succeed because of the bРµzosnovnosti of the Western influenced units and ide...
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Linguistic, social and political constelltions in the transition from the “alien” to the “own”

Priorova Irina V., Amirkhanyan Anait M., Lebedeva Irena Va.
145-151   359

The paper draws a parallel between the linguistic, social and political relationships that are built on the principle of free dependence which is evident in transition from the “alien” to the “own”. The processes of interaction in the society, culture and politics, designated by the term con...
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Bases of positive motivation in development and quality improvement of personnel potential of higher education institution graduates (social and philosophical aspect)

Gainutdinova Ekaterina V.
151-165   335

The key role in formation of the student as the highly qualified specialist is the higher education, capable to reorient the young generation, wishing to achieve success in career, to quality of skills which is necessary for this purpose. In this situation it can be considered the most expedient the...
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Innovation and postulates Alexander Starostin (65th-anniversary)

Kislitsyn Sergey A.
166-170   338

Overview of the main stages of life and scientific work of the famous scientist A.M. Starostina....
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The problem of efficiency of the power modern Russian political and administrative elite

Karabushchenko Paul Leonidovich
170-183   312

In 2014 the 900 years are executed from the date of death of the first Russian chronicler Nestor who made the most exact diagnosis to quality of political system in Russian state: "Our earth is great and plentiful, but the dress [order] in it isn't present". Nine centuries which have passed since th...
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National Self-Determination and the new political elite of South Ossetia with the collapse of the USSR

Sanakoev Inal B.
183-189   355

This article analyzes the process of national self-determination of South Ossetia and the role played in it by the new political elite during the collapse of the Soviet Union. The main focus of his research the author makes on the specifics of the formation of a new ruling elite in South Ossetia, to...
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To the question about the development of Russian pedagogical education in particular university

Koryakovtseva Olga A.
190-198   346

On the basis of the latest normative documents, projects В«Concept of support of the development of pedagogical educationВ» and В«Program of modernization of pedagogical education for 2014 2017-in the article the problems existing in the educational sphere and the ways of their solution in a single ...
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Problems of teaching of disciplines of the organization of economic management and creative socio-economic consulting

Atayan Nikolay Kh.
198-202   321

Analysis of the problems of teaching managerial disciplines includes the study of historical sends the realities of management, the etymology of the psychology of deviant behavior in youth environment, the technology of formation of innovative organizational and managerial thinking in the course of ...
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Communication skills as a factor psychological culture of teachers higher and secondary schools

Fedotov Sergey N., Stepanenko Elena V.
202-208   333

The article discusses and presents the results of the factor analysis and the socio-psychological training for the development of the communicative competence of teachers and higher secondary schools....
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The development of political science in the Astrakhan region (to the 10 anniversary of chair of political science in the Astrakhan state universi)

Usmanov Rafik Kh., Grishin Nikolay V., Oskina Olga I., Kudryashova Yekaterina V.
208-217   338

Authors give the description of the development of chair of political science in one of the provincial universities of Russia. In article authors note success and problems of development of political science, growth of the number of qualified political scientists, constructive development of politol...
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Personality’s information culture of students: psychological formulation of the problem

Sungurova Nina L.
217-222   351

The article presents a psychological analysis of the problem of personality’s information culture. Personality’s information culture is understood as one of the components of general culture. It allows a person to freely navigate the information flows, to find the necessary information to critic...
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Student youth in the regions as an actor of modern Russian democratization (based on the research in Bashkortostan)

Yakovlev Maksim V.
223-227   310

In connection with the increased level of political participation by young Russian student author explores values, motivation, knowledge about democracy in student community in the Republic of Bashkortostan using questionnaire, system and structural and functional analysis. One of the main conclusio...
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Groom and Govern: Native Interlocutors in Nineteenth-Century Asiatic Russia and British India

Khodarkovskiy Mikhail
228-234   332

This essay focuses on one particular aspect of the imperial conquest and colonization--a group of the indispensable intermediaries who provided the first and crucial link between the imperial government and indigenous societies in Asiatic Russia. Whether they served as interpreters, government offic...
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Creative potential of multicultural model

Khlyscheva Elena V.
235-240   327

Multiculturalism is urged to solve a problem of interaction of the cultures, become aggravated in connection with intensive migration. However multiculturalism - the phenomenon rather diverse, here is the pluses and minuses, destructive tendencies and creative potential. The basis of multicultural m...
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The role of Indian and Missionary Schools in assimilation of Native Americans of USA

Yakushenkova Oksana S.
240-246   322

The article examines the education of Native Americans on the frontier in the United States in the second half of the 19th century. This period is characterized by active processes of acculturation and assimilation of the indigenous population, and, for many reasons, women took an active part in it....
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Social mobility of russian young people in the conditions of emigration

Mantserova Olga V.
247-253   327

Nowadays the issue of the social mobility in the conditions of emigration is very urgent. The article is aimed at the study of the social mobility of Russian young people in the conditions of emigration to Germany and the determination of the opportunity to maintain social status gained as Russian F...
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Financial support of pedagogical staffs of the secondary specialized educational institutions in 1990 (on materials of the lower Volga region)

Eschcenko Yuliya G.
253-260   322

In article are analyzed measures of the financial support to pedagogical staffs of the secondary specialized educational institutions in 1990 on an example of the Lower Volga region. The author allocates two basic directions of financial support of pedagogical collectives. In the ...
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Peculiarities of functioning of regional periodicals in the 1990s (with materials Astrakhan region)

Zaytseva Maryana A.
260-264   323

The article shows the main trends of forming the system of mass media in the Russian Federation in the 90s of XX century, using the example of the Astrakhan region. The author analyzes the process of formation and functioning of the regional periodicals under the period of transition. The author ana...
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Military-patriotic organizations in the context of the evolution of civil society in Russia

Lomovskaya Olga Ye.
265-270   347

In today's Russia increased role of civil society in addressing the problems of military- patriotic education. Formation and development of military-patriotic organizations advocating for sustainable transformation and reform of the armed forces indicates the viability of civil society as an instrum...
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Buddhist culture in the west: tradition and modernity

Ulanov Mergen S.
270-277   491

Article devoted to the phenomenon of Buddhist culture in the West. Traces the history of the spread of Buddhism in Europe and the USA. The author notes that as a result of the spread of the West directions and various Buddhist schools there gradually formed the so-called " globalized " or transnatio...
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Soviet State's New Principles of National and Foreign Policy and Turkey

Reznikov Andrey B.
277-284   318

After the Great October Socialist Revolution's triumph the conditions in which national liberation movement of the peoples of the East was developing changed radically. In the first place capitalism stopped to be some integral and universal economic system. In the second place the Revolution destroy...
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Volunteering in the Russian Federation: the views and preferences of the public

Kipkeeva Gulnara A.
285-288   290

In this article, the author refers to the actual problem - volunteering. Indicated on the priority position popularize the idea of volunteerism among young people. The author analyzes the perception of Russians volunteering non-profit organizations. The statistical material of polls by FOM, VCIOM, L...
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Consumer culture of the Russian society: myths and reality

Marmilova Marina A.
288-293   370

Mass society creates consumer culture which is based on the program of consumption of benefits by all members of society. The consumer, leaning on available resources, fits into a framework of this cultural program. The consumer culture is a peculiar mechanism of people’s adaptation in society. In...
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Women’s Representation in Regional Parliaments in Western Siberia: a Comparative Analysis

Devyatiyarova Anastasiya I.
293-300   308

The paper comprises the results of the analysis of women’s representation in regional parliaments in Altai, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo Regions. Quantitative data concerning the representation of this category of deputies in parliaments throughout the 1990s and 2000s have been systematised; so...
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Study as an effective way to improve the quality of the educational process

Messel Ekaterina O.
301-305   306

This article discusses the process of education existing in Russia, reveals it’s features and differences. The main disadvantages associated with an excess of theoretical knowledge. A new system of education in the real conditions, in which the quality of student’s education increased significan...
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People of frontier. Review on the book by Mikhail Hodarkovsky В«BitterneВ», New York, 2011. 200 p

306-308   314

Elitologiya in the light of cultural and historical traditions. Review on the book "Elitologiya: encyclopedic dictionary" / under the editorship of the prof. P. L. Karabushchenko, M., Ekon-inform Publ., 2013. 618 p

308-310   316