To formation of the concept of political service

Morozov Sergey A.


The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the term "political goods" in the market of political services. In clause the problem of definition of the goods in the political market as a phenomenon of the modern sociopolitical system based on principles of the market organization of economy and using in sociopolitical experts market toolkit of the organization of political activity is analysed. ХХ centuries which have developed in the middle the approach to the political goods as to a product of electoral activity in which the candidate on an elective post is considered as the goods, and also the approach to the political goods as to a complex a-mix within the limits of later marketing concepts are considered. The author it is offered to consider the goods in the political market as political service that allows on the basis of the multiattributive model of the goods developed Fishbein in second half of ХХ centuries, to allocate both similarities, and distinctions between services in the political and commodity market. The support on multiattributive model enables to consider the uncontrollable political factors listed by the author. The author uses the concept of life cycle of the goods, created by the American scientist-expert in marketing T.Levitt. Use of 4-step model of T.Levitt added subsequently by 5 element - «a phase of turbulence» allows the author to offer instead of 5-step model 6-ти the step model differing not political model of life cycle by presence of a specific phase - phases of a prepotent maturity which allows to characterize features of display ассиметрии distributions of political and other resources between actors of political processes in the market of political services. The author suggests to add existing 5-phase model of life cycle of the goods with one more phase of a-prepotent maturity within the limits of which activity of political party won elections including in conditions of formation of the coalition government is considered.
