To the question about the development of Russian pedagogical education in particular university

Koryakovtseva Olga A.


On the basis of the latest normative documents, projects В«Concept of support of the development of pedagogical educationВ» and В«Program of modernization of pedagogical education for 2014 2017-in the article the problems existing in the educational sphere and the ways of their solution in a single institution. The author offers adequate specific situation of structural and substantial changes to speed up the modernization process in teacher education. The new organizational structure is based on a network of community institutions pedagogical orientation and partners (customers). Substantial changes in the work presented in the form of specific objectives; identifies the ways of their solution; predicted results of the modernization activities. According to the author, actions to accelerate the development of pedagogical education at the Yaroslavl state pedagogical University Рљ.D. Ushinsky defined by the following objectives: improvement of the educational activities; human resources development; optimization of organizational structure and staff schedule; strengthening the system of social protection of workers and students; development of corporate culture and PR University; the modernization of financial and economic activity; improvement of the University management system; improvement of the scientific and innovation activity. The author is convinced that the extension of scientific-educational space of a higher education institution by means of structural and substantial changes adequate to modernization processes in education will facilitate sustainable development of the University as one of Russian Centers pedagogical education.
