Issue 2013 No. 3 (36)


Аnalysis of the information about archaeological heritage along the low Volga frontierin the sources of XVII–XVIII centuries

Vasilev Dmitriy V.
13-23   310

The paper analyzes the data of written sources of XVII–XVIII, concerning the location of the medieval settlements and burial grounds. That sources left by travelers and merchants, as well as officials of the Russian kingdom. The author considers the "Walking to Persia of merchant Fedot Kotov", "Book...
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The appearance of Kalmyks in the lower Volga region and the beginning of their military service for Russia

Tsyuryumov Aleksandr V.
23-27   568

This article is dedicated to the history of appearing of Kalmyk nomads in the Lower Volga region. In the beginning of the XVII century the Kalmyk nomad camps migrated from the steppe of Central Asia to the towns of South Siberia then moving to Volga while pursuing the Nogais. The arrival of Kalmyks ...
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The activity of the soviet authorities in Kalmykia on the issues of abolition of illiteracy and ignorance among adult population

Kornilova Irina M.
27-33   327

The present article is devoted to the issues of abolition of illiteracy in Kalmykia. The government program of mass illiteracy negotiation and a great social movement aimed at its realization are taken into account. The main accent was given to the illiteracy negotiation among the adult population o...
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Historical choice of the Kalmyk people in the Great Patriotic War

Shein Oleg V.
33-41   306

The article discusses the problem of Kalmyk people`s deportation. In Soviet historiographies this subject was a little studied. The Soviet authorities didn’t allow extensive discussion on this problem. The reasons of the collaboration in the Great Patriotic War period weren’t studied also. After 199...
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Problems of graduates’ employment of secondary vocational education system during 1990th (on the materials of the lower Volga region)

Vinogradov Sergej V., EschcenkoYuliya G.
41-47   312

The problem of youth’s employment has a special tension during both development of market relations in Russia in 1990th and the abolition of the Soviet graduates’ distribution system. On an example of secondary specialized educational institutions in the Lower Volga region are shown the basic ways t...
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State policy in the field of civic education in the Russia

Grigorieva Natalia A.
47-53   330

The article studies the main directions of state policy in the field of civil education in the 2000-2013. And the priorities of the state educational policy through the prism of hastorical context are charaterized....
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From the history of the bread loan of the year

Volosukhina Natalia
53-57   328

The article is dedicated to the research of the development and realization of an internal loan in Soviet Russia – the Bread loan. Continued economic recessions together with political instability in the country were the purpose for Bolsheviks to use pre-revolutionary experiment of money search for ...
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The social policy of the Russian federation in 1990s and its impact on the Russian society (regional aspect)

NikolaevaLyubov N.
57-64   404

In the article the development of the Russian state social policy and social relations in the 90s of the XX century is analyzed through the example of the Lower Volga Region. The author gives the comparative analysis of the social policy officially declared by the government and that reality which a...
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Astrakhan Orthodox missionaries late XIX – early XX centuries

Kanatyeva Natalya S.)
64-73   345

The missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church with respect to the Old Believers and sectarians in the late XIX – early XX centuries in areas remote from the center of the dioceses of the empire, such as Astrakhan, was done by the local diocesan missionaries and often held only by the enthus...
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Abaza in Syria and Jordan

Gurguliya Esma A.
73-80   344

The goal of the investigation is to formulate the place and the role of Abkhazian people in social life of Syria and Jordan. The article deals with the history of occurring diaspora of the northen Caucasia....
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Public values of Russian electoral process

Grishin Nikolay V.
80-88   339

Modern studies of public values provide us to study public values of particular spheres of public policy. The study offers a definition of public values of the Russian electoral process. Enshrined in the law principles of elections can be characterized as formal public value of the electoral process...
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Activities of the regional parliament on legal regulation of economic policy in the Astrakhan region in 2000–

Marmilova Ekaterina P.
88-95   310

The article considers legislative support for regional economic policy of the Astrakhan region in 2000–2006. In the 2000-ies. comes a dramatic intensification of the legislative activity of the Astrakhan region. In comparison with 1990, the regional legislative activities have become more diversifie...
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Compulsory voting: international experience and features of election practices

Morozova Oksana S.
95-101   371

The article deals with compulsory voting, which is used in a number of countries around the world. The peculiarities of legal regulation of compulsory voting, the sanctions for failing to vote. The views of proponents and opponents of compulsory voting....
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The Civil Society and the State in John Keane’s Conception of Democracy

Sytin Andrey G.
101-110   665

This article is dedicated to the analysis of the normative interrelation and interaction between a civil society and a state in the conception of democracy of Australian political philosopher John Keane. This issue is relevant to Russia to the extent that the task of forming the effective civil soci...
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Ways of government regulation and the factors of Russian education: current practice, issues and trends

Buryakov Sergey K.
110-118   302

The article considers the modern processes of state management of the Russian education system taking into account national and international experience and practice. The author attempts to analyze the degree of implementation and recent legislative documents in the field of education based on the l...
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The role of power structures and national public organizations in ensuring ethnic and religious stability of the multicultural region

Kudryashova Yekaterina V.
118-126   305

The article considers the role of national authorities and civil society organizations in ensuring regional stability, ethnic and religious, multi-cultural diversity and the preservation of international peace in a multicultural region. Only joint efforts and activities on the settlement of ethno-po...
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“Soft power” of information society

Novoselov Sergey V.
126-131   406

In the information society is dominated by not one who has the largest military force or amassed the greatest wealth, and the one who owns large amounts of information (knowledge) and applies them successfully. Thanks to the technological revolution, knowledge, including scientific, becomes the basi...
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The proclamation of the establishment of “islamic state of Iraq”and debate among Islamists on the issue of the caliphate

Ryazanov Daniil S.
131-139   326

The paper is devoted to the study of the history of «Islamic State of Iraq» and debate, which was caused among Islamists by the establishment of this political organization. The author describes the arguments of supporters of «Islamic State of Iraq» and their opponents. The conclusion of the study i...
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National information policy of Canada: the political and legal aspects of regulation

Ryabtseva Yelena Ye., Trizno T. A.
139-147   453

This article is an attempt to explore the components of information policy in Canada and to analyze the political and legal mechanisms of its regulation. This problem seems relevant in connection with the transfer of the majority of the information society. The introduction of information and commun...
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The end of history anglo-saxon model of global development

Karabushchenko Pavel L.
147-156   331

The global financial and economic crisis of 2008–2011’s. stirred up not only the stock exchange and banks, but also spawned a powerful anti-capitalist social movement, has caused lively scientific discussion about the fate of the world in general. The collapse of the pillars of the industrial world,...
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Youth association public in modern Russia: an analysis of social research

Yakovleva Tatyana N., Mironova Yuliya G.
156-165   297

The sociological analysis of youth associations destroys the stereotype of young people as a homogeneous social group. The article presents a comparative analysis of sociological research to identify trends of today’s youth display of activity. Data received during the author’s research, expand repr...
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Features of the formation of image gymnasia

Yakovleva Tatyana N., Mushtakova Nina A.
165-174   373

The article discusses the concept of the image of an educational institution, especially its formation. The problem of creating an image of educational institutions becomes relevant in the modern world. Educational institutions understand that in a competitive education market needs a positive image...
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Homosexualism: “the other” in the family and “another” family

Bicharova Mariya M.
174-188   308

In the given article the problem of homosexualism in the context of family is viewed and some ways of its solving are marked. The review of principal investigations devoted to reasons of homosexuality and behavior features of sexual minorities and monosexual couples is made. The character of problem...
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Conflictogenic factors and new challenges of ethnopolitical stability of the Southern regions of Russia and Caspian Sea region

Usmanov Rafik H., Tazhiev Nail M.
188-197   319

The article is devoted to modern geopolitical processes in the south of Russia in sector of the Caspian region. The author analyzes new threats and risks of ethnopolitical stability of the region on the basis of the last data, taking into account the conflictogenic factors and migratory flows. There...
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Factors of form extremism

Lyudmila V. Baeva
197-205   665

The aim of this investigation is explore of complex of factors of forms intolerance and extremism in youth movement. The authors investigate main types of extremism, internal and external factors of forming of this one, such us war-politic, economic, social-cultural, psychological, educational and g...
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Discourse of extremism in the religious aspect of social security

Yarmolenko Larisa V.
205-208   319

The article describes the objective foundations of recruiting young people into extremism through information manipulation narrative of justice and the nature of faith, which ensures effective absorption of youth distorted pseudo-religious slogans and meanings in the potency of the individual is wil...
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Youth political extremism (for example, users on the network “in contact”)

Bocharnikova Irina S.
208-213   344

The manifestations of political youth extremism cause a wide resonance in the society, including the cyber society, such actions are considered socially dangerous. The article provides a sociological analysis of public opinion aimed at understanding political extremism, to figure out the main reason...
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Platonism as a mighty spiritual movement (operating Florenskii “Sense idealism”)

Podvoyskiy Leonid Ya.
213-219   308

The paper presents an analysis of the works of the famous Russian Platonist P.A. Florensky, "The Meaning of idealism" under consideration foreshortening of Platonism. Attention is paid to the complexity of an adequate understanding of what is Platonism, despite the fact that the term is known to all...
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Kosmologichesky sense of creativity

Nemchinova Anna L.
219-227   348

In article the tradition of interpretation of creativity as updatings of the potentialities put in Space (Heraclitus, Socrat, Platon, Aristotle) is investigated. The person plays in this case a role of the intermediary and doesn’t realize itself as a source determining the purpose and problems of cr...
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Elitology culture of person: the statement of the problem

Karabushchenko Natalya B.
227-232   326

In this work we can see three types of culture (traditional, elite and mass) which are understood as three types of strategy of social life and social management. Special attention is paid to the analysis of elite culture as the most creative element of culture as a whole. One of important indicato...
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Motivational criteria of a phenomenon “elite” in the conditions of society modernization

Gaynutdinova Yekaterina V.
232-241   339

As society in the technical and information plan develops, the person loses the independence in the choice of living conditions and becomes the one of many consumers of endless benefits imposed by the industry of services. In such conditions of social modernization there was a phenomenon "elitism" w...
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Modern trends in the functioning of the political elites in a democracy (for example, Italy)

Kondrashev Kirill S.
241-246   335

The second half of XX century is characterized by the development of social relations, which involves a change in the structure of political elites, the emergence of new types of elites, their active engagement, new factors influencing the political sphere as a whole. However, they have both positiv...
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Dependence of “the own” social advertisement on “the other” free perception

Priorova Irina V., Bicharova Mariya M., Dudnikova Mariya V.
246-254   354

The specifics of Russian social advertisement is considered in the article. It’s done from the position of constellation, which determines the character of freedom and dependence of “the other” ways of presentation “the own” mental priorities. Democratization processes affected on Russian mentality ...
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Homoeroticism and homosocial desire in British costume TV series

Sarakaeva Elina A., Lebedeva Irena V.
254-264   365

The article analyzes the way homosocial male bonds are represented in British costume TV series and the function played by their homoerotic content. Ambivalence in homosocial interactions of characters, openness of some of the scenes and conflicts for the interpretation in a sexual key are marketing...
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“Childfree” ideology as a social consequence of international conflict

Bicharova Mariya M., Pitsenko Oksana V.
264-275   376

The article is devoted to investigation the national features of “childfree” ideology, spread by the representatives of “free from children” movement, people who voluntary refuse from being parents. Besides some typical behaviour and motivations for “childfree” all around the world, native non-paren...
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Representation of a national holiday as a par of the conservation of cultural memory

Kusmidinova Mariya Kh., Boldyreva Anna M.
275-281   522

In this article the author examines and analyzes the role and significance of the national holiday as an element of cultural memory. Festive culture of different peoples of the world is a collection of ritual and ceremonial practices, traditions and norms of the main celebrations, specific to a part...
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Analysis of cultural integration processes of Russia in the world community

Reshetnikova Natalya S.
281-287   491

Relevance of the chosen topic due to the fact that at the present stage of the dynamics of Russia is largely determined by the globalization processes. The contradictory nature of globalization is that it can serve as a basis for the idea of progress, which contributes to the homogenization of the w...
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The influence of the information society on the development of tourism

Dryagalov Vyacheslav S., Topchiev Mikhail S.
287-292   349

The article analyzes some aspects of transformation of tourism under the influence of the information society. After a brief theoretical analysis the conclusion is made that tourism information and saturated activity, almost completely dependent on the images, descriptions, communication and informa...
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Strangers in a strange land: the Russian community in Xinjiang, and its interactions with the local peoples

Shear Maykl
292-298   321

Russian community in a North-Western Chinese province of Xinjiang has made a considerable contribution to the historical and political development of this region, as well as in economic and cultural life of Xinjiang. However, in 1960, almost all Russians left Xinjiang for Western countries or the So...
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Intercultural Communication on the Frontier 67 and beyond Frontier (Comparative Analysis)

Romanova Anna P., Topchiev Mikhail S., Саракаева Элина А.
298-304   309

Systems of intercultural communications depend on many factors, e.g. the history of the cultural landscape formation in the area of communication. On frontir areas the specificity ofcommunication lies both in the mobility of borders and the special position of the Other/Stranger in a multicultural s...
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The frontier stages typology through the prism of gender interethnic relations: the Wild West and Low Volga historical experiences

Yakushenkov Sergey N., Yakushenkova Oksana S.
304-310   349

The article analyzes the woman’s role in the cultural dialog in different periods of frontier relations. The authors consider that the analyses of this role helps us to define different periods of frontier: early frontier, frontier and postfrontier, because her status is different in each period tha...
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Historical Hermeneutics: falsification, verification, truth

Karabushchenko Paul L.
310-327   349

Falsification takes too important place in the life of the individual and society to be ignored by modern science. This value increases as the basis of qualitative growth of the information society, where the problem of verification of information is particularly relevant topic. The most effective ...
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Eschatologism and utopianism in historiosophy of culture:on the question of the possibility of falsification of the values of consciouness

Glazkov A. P.
327-332   296

This article examines one of the aspects of the mechanism of possible falsification in the formation of spiritual values. The author explores these issues in the context of the relationships eschatologism and utopianism in the historiosophy of culture that can be considered in turn as one of the met...
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Contribution to a problem about inclusion of the Astrakhan branch of RN in processes of modernization of the region

Vedeneeva Natalya Ye.
332-340   301

The purpose of the given article is studying opportunities of the Russian sea register of navigation to promote the processes of modernization proceeding in the Astrakhan region at the present stage. The author considers the primary goals of modernization spent by Peter the Great on boundaries of XV...
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The ideological aspect of the power-opposition relations, as an element of the political modernization of the modern Russian

Dyakov Oleg Yu.
340-347   328

The paper analyzes the features of the political opposition in Russia, defines the role and the importance of the ideology in the political process of the country. Conceptual map of political forces in Russia has been drawn up according to each electoral cycle....
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Political socialization of youth subculture

Miller Elena V.
347-354   335

The article is devoted to problems of the introduction of youth during a public life of Russia. Political socialization is considered as an element of youth subculture. Opportunities of becoming of political culture of young men in conditions of globalization are considered. Low efficiency of politi...
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«Power vertical» and system of a rekrutizatsiyaof the Russian political regional elite

Stepanov Viktor A.
354-359   329

In article the assessment of the regional policy which is carried out by the central power is given. Influence of strengthening of "power vertical" on formations of the regional political power is noted. Mechanisms of interaction of federal and regional political elite are considered. Among instrume...
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Reintegration of subjects of the Russian Federation at North-west Caucasus: the political dimension

Kolomiytsev Eugene S.
359-368   334

Identified risks and opportunities for the reintegration of subjects of the Russian Federation at the North-West Caucasus in 2003-2013. Determined the positions of subjects of ethnopolitical conflicts over merging regions, reveals reasons by nomination of alternative integration projects; reasoned m...
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The main stages of the modern state policy in the field of interaction with civil society organizations (with materials the Lower Volga): attempt periodization

Prokopenko Roman A.
368-375   311

In article attempts periodization stages of formation of state policy of the Russian. Federation in the field of interaction with civil society. As a criterion of periodization are the laws. In the analysis of the legal framework takes into account historical experience. At the turn of XX-XXI centur...
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Modern Cossacks in Southern Russia (on the materials of Stavropol Krai)

Dobrovolsky Vladimir
375-383   313

The article on the materials of the Stavropol Territory shows the main content-chronological stages of formation and development of the Cossack-associations in southern Russia at the end of the XX–XXI century. Proved that in the structure of modern Cossacks Cossack communities stand made in the Stat...
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Migration plans of the students in European, Southern and Eastern frontiers of Astrakhan region

Mantserova Olga V.
383-387   307

The present article is aimed at the study of the students’ migration plans in European, Southern and Eastern Frontiers of Astrakhan region. The study object is students of Astrakhan region. In terms of the findings of the questionnaire survey of the students from the City of Astrakhan carried out in...
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The features of the Astrakhan district court`s formation (1867–1894)

Chernik Mariya V.
387-393   274

The article investigates regional experience of transformations of system of judicial system and legal proceedings, in connection with in conducting provisions of Judicial reform of 1864 in full in the territory of the Astrakhan province. The author analyzes projects of the Ministry of Justice on ch...
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The political party "United Russia" and conservative modernization

Ugrinov Evgeniy A.
393-398   283

Any political party needs clear and intelligible ideological program, which is different from programs of other political parties. Even this ideology will have titular value. Today there are three main ideologies in the modern world: socialism, liberalism and conservatism. Almost every political pa...
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The fritware bowl with inscription from the excavations in Samosdelka site

Boldyreva Ekaterina Mihailovna
398-401   289

One of finds of a field season of 2009 – a fritware bowl with the Arab inscription at its bottom is considered in the article. On a series of characteristics and analogies the most probable place of its production is pre-mongol Iran, however, the inscription at the bottom of the bowl had already mad...
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Valuable and cultural motivation of business as a basis of movement to social responsibility of business

Vlasov Sergey S.
401-404   239

Ethnopolitical security of the South of Russia in the light of the influence of inter ethnic and economical problems and migration problems of Transcaucasia

Smolyev Vladimir V.
404-409   249

During the last 20 years after the disintegration of the Soviet Union on the southern borders of Russia repeatedly flashing international and inter ethnic conflicts among Transcaucasian states and also serious social-economical problems in the states of this region led to the mass-migration flow-out...
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The international experience of a green econiomy development

Onischenko Maxim Valerievich
409-413   474

In the article the principles of "green economy" are revealed. The development of "green economy" is considered to be the main trend of the post-industrial economic system. The author analyzes the basic tools of the transition to a "green economy", compares the experience of several countries on th...
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Endogenous factors of contemporary political process in Dagestan republic

Magomedrasulova Raisat B.
413-423   271

Characterized and classified the main endogenous factors affecting the typology of the political process in Dagestan (1992–2013). The influence of the economic and social depression, structures of political elites, the system of state power organs on the dynamics of the political process is determin...
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Kostin Grigoriy V.
423-433   281

The main subject of the article is a prospect of ruble as a new world currency. Special attention is paid to problems of inflation and national financial sector (stock and debt markets). In the author’s opinion these problems is main obstacle of ruble internationalization. The author considers some ...
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Analysis of relation between wage and performance indicatorsof gas distribution organizations

Homutova Tatiana Vasilievna
433-440   353

The study tested the relation between wages and number of performance indicators for the gas distribution companies. Based on results of the correlation analysis (for example, the number of gas distribution organizations) showed that the evaluation of the performance of the selected communications...
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Between homosexuality and homophobia (review of the book written by Eve K. Sedgwick “Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire”)

Sarakaeva Elina А.
440-443   271

The article reviews the famous book “Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire” by E. K. Sedgwick. Sedgwick examines men’s relationships with one another in English literature and the ways those relationships affect women. She argues that the power of male homophobia has radically s...
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Turkish vision of the multikulturalism problem in Germany (review of the book written by Seyran Ates “Der Multikulti-Irrtum”)

Lebedeva Irena V., Lebedeva Lyudmila K.
443-446   252

The book by Seyran Ates, the German author of the Turkish origin, published in 2010 became especially popular after the statement of the Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel about the crash of ideas of multiculturalism. In the book the author tells the reader about the destiny of Turkish migrants of the...
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From the new economic policy to “the great turn” (review of the book written byV.A. Shishkin “Russia during the years of “the great turn” in perception of a foreign diplomate (1925–1931)”)

Vinogradov Sergey V.
446-458   257

In the article the book of Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor V.A. Shishkin “Russia during the years of the Great turn” in perception of a foreign diplomat (1925–1931)” is being analyzed. The book under review is based on the reports of diplomats from Czechoslovakian mission in Moscow and par...
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Wolfganh Beltracchi - the forger of the century (review of the bookwritten by Stefan Koldehoff and Tobias Timm “Falsche Bilder, Echtes Geld”)

Lebedeva Irena Va., Postnov Sergey Dmitrieyevitch
458-463   269

The book written by German authors Stefan Koldehoff and Tobias Timm, published in 2012 became popular at once, as it enlightens the history of sensational exposure of the painting forgery. The authors show to the reader different sights at a problems and give the opinions of experts. The authors we...
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Macau – Urumqi: “other” China (notices about 4 International conferences “English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication” on June 4–10, 2013 Macau – Urumqi (China))

Romanovа Anna P., Yakushenkov Sergey N.
463-468   253

Article is devoted to the analysis of results of a trip on the international conference on intercultural communications in China....
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