The activity of the soviet authorities in Kalmykia on the issues of abolition of illiteracy and ignorance among adult population

Kornilova Irina M.


The present article is devoted to the issues of abolition of illiteracy in Kalmykia. The government program of mass illiteracy negotiation and a great social movement aimed at its realization are taken into account. The main accent was given to the illiteracy negotiation among the adult population of the employable age of 16-45. In the greater part of residential places of Kalmykia before the revolution there were no schools and educational establishments, which excluded the effective fight with illiteracy. The problem of illiteracy eradication was also much complicated by the fact that there was lack of not only schools for adults, but also lack of usual schools. The campaign against illiteracy among non-Russian population was coordinated by the Department of national minorities at People’s commissariat for education. The school curriculum included grammar, reading and writing, compulsory introductory course on political primer, basics of agrotechnology, veterinary, sanitary and hygiene.
