National information policy of Canada: the political and legal aspects of regulation

Ryabtseva Yelena Ye., Trizno T. A.


This article is an attempt to explore the components of information policy in Canada and to analyze the political and legal mechanisms of its regulation. This problem seems relevant in connection with the transfer of the majority of the information society. The introduction of information and communication technologies in the delivery of public services is becoming and innovative instrument of the state, and the instrument of its modernization. Canada is one of the first state declared policy of building the information society and an information policy. In this sense, Canada is one of the pioneers of, respectively, the Canadian experience in this part simply priceless. The analysis of this experience is possible to identify the major milestones of political and legal regulation of state information policy in Canada. Particular attention is given to the program "Information Highway". The article also presents statistical data revealing to analyze the level of activity on the right of access to information among the various sources of citizens’ requests. The authors reflect on the role of the state in the development of the information space of the state.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2013 No. 3 (36)




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