The features of the Astrakhan district court`s formation (1867–1894)

Chernik Mariya V.


The article investigates regional experience of transformations of system of judicial system and legal proceedings, in connection with in conducting provisions of Judicial reform of 1864 in full in the territory of the Astrakhan province. The author analyzes projects of the Ministry of Justice on change of system of judicial authorities in the region and social and economic features of life of the Astrakhan province, affected and on formation, and activity of the Astrakhan district court are revealed, organizational basics of the Astrakhan district court are covered. As a result the author comes to conclusion that process of formation of organizational structure and activity of district court in the Astrakhan province was affected by a number of factors both all-Russian, and local levels, among them: shortage of financial means on realization of judicial reform, inconsistency of actions of the provincial authorities, load and a lack of personnel of court.
