Contribution to a problem about inclusion of the Astrakhan branch of RN in processes of modernization of the region

Vedeneeva Natalya Ye.


The purpose of the given article is studying opportunities of the Russian sea register of navigation to promote the processes of modernization proceeding in the Astrakhan region at the present stage. The author considers the primary goals of modernization spent by Peter the Great on boundaries of XVII-XVIII centuries then the author carries out the parallels with the present-days and establishes the connection between a condition of the Russian fleet and the status of the country on the international scene. The purpose and the basic directions of activity of the Russian sea register of navigation as the classification society are also disclosed, the society having the international recognition and capable to decide tasks formulated in the sea doctrine of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020. Activity of the Astrakhan branch of the Russian sea register of navigation is in detail considered for achievement of the purpose of research. The basic directions of activity of the branch are determined; supervision of courts in ship-building and operation and also supervision above the industrial enterprises; specificity of development of the region: development of oil and fish resources of the Caspian Sea being taken into consideration too. All this taken together in many respects provides safety of navigation and strengthens a world situation of Russia as sea power. Difficulties and search of alternatives at studying documents of the register is paid our particular attention. The author comes to the conclusion that technical opportunities and personal potential of the Astrakhan branch of the Russian sea navigation allow it to influence effectively the ship-building and ship-repairing industry of the Astrakhan region with the purpose of its modernization.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2013 No. 3 (36)




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