Issue 2022 No. 4 (73)

About the route of Mervan's campaign against Khazaria and localization of the city of al-Baida

Khizriev Khadzhi A.
9-11   694

The article is devoted to establishing the route of the campaign of the Arab commander Mervan against Khazaria and the localization of the city of al-Baida - the penultimate capital of Khazaria. There is no special work dedicated to this city. But in the first monographic works on Khazaria, it was b...
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The North Caucasus in the confrontation between Russia and the Ottoman Empire in the context of the anti-Russian policy of the Western European powers in the first quarter of the XVIII century

Kidirniyazov Daniyal S.
12-17   399

Based on archival materials and scientific literature, the article considers that the first quarter of the XVIII century is a turning point in the history of the peoples of the region. The expanding crisis of the Shah's Iran and the Ottoman Porte, the active entry of the Russian state into the arena...
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Formation of artisanal oil production in Chechnya in the 30–80s of the nineteenth century

Sulumov Zelimkhan Kh., Daukaev Arun A., Osmaev Movla K.
18-21   346

The article deals with the origin of artisanal oil production in Chechnya in the 30-80s of the 19th century in the context of the formation of a consolidated labor market after the abolition of serfdom and the technical re-equipment of the industry in the post-reform period. The authors believe that...
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Agricultural experiments on Tinguta at the end of the XIXth century

Shurguchieva Julia S., Batyrov Valery V.
22-25   333

The Kalmyk steppe, in terms of its geographical location and natural and climatic conditions, is included in the zone of risky agriculture, which predetermined the main direction of the economic development of the autochthonous population - extensive cattle breeding. However, at the beginning of the...
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The Tsaritsyn-Vladimirovka railway project and an attempt to implement it in 1918–1919.

Bolotov Nikolai A., Opalev Maxim N.
26-30   691

The article deals with the problem of the construction of temporary military field railroads in the area of the city of Tsaritsyn in the conditions of the Civil War. It is pointed out that the necessity to build the southeast exit from Tsaritsyn was dictated not by economic, but by military and poli...
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Peasant protest in the Enotaevsky district of the Astrakhan province in the winter of 1918–1919

Timofeeva Elena G., Tyurin Alexey O., Lebedev Sergei V.
31-35   704

The relevance of the stated topic is determined by the insufficient study in the space of regional historiography of various aspects of the scientific problem related to the study of the causes, forms, nature and results of peasant resistance to the policy of emergency requisitioning, mobilization a...
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Stalin's deportation of 1944 in the historical memory of modern Chechen youth (sociological perspective of the analysis)

Zhemchuraeva Seda S., New_author_1
36-42   445

The article analyzes the problem of modern Chechens' perception of deportation and its consequences on the basis of a sociological study conducted by the authors in 2021 "Deportation of Chechens (1944) in the views of youth" (Grozny, 2021, n = 360). The respondents were selected by the snowball meth...
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Military childhood on the pages of partisan newspapers of the North-West of the RSFSR (based on the materials of the newspaper "Young Avenger")

Krasnozhenova Elena E., Vycherov Dmitry A.
43-47   319

The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the North-West of the RSFSR during the war period was in a long Nazi occupation. The victims of the occupation policy were not only adults, but also children. This led to interest in the problem of military childhood on the part of the partisan per...
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Formation of theoretical and methodological foundations of cyclic concepts in the political sphere: on the example of the works of scientists of Modern times

Khudyakov Andrey V.
48-54   497

The author of the article examines the formation of theoretical and methodological foundations of cyclic concepts in the political sphere on the example of the works of scientists of Modern times. The dynamic development of relations in society required a scientifically based prediction of their dyn...
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“Come out of military and civil clerks”: employees of the pre-revolutionary prison system in the sociopolitical views of N. M. Yadrintsev

Golovinov Alexander V.
55-58   299

Within the framework of the publication, he considers a separate fragment of the ideological and political heritage of the founder of the movement of Siberian democratic regionalists (regionalists) - N. M. Yadrintsev. The author focuses on the philosophical and political reflection of the adherent o...
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Will Kymlicka: multiculturalism and neoliberalism

Trofimov Petr A.
59-62   485

The purpose of the article is to analyze the relationship between neoliberalism and liberal multiculturalism, whose position will be presented on the example of the creative heritage of the Canadian political philosopher William Kymlicka. The main focus of the article is on the impact of neoliberal ...
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The state of inter-ethnic relations in the North Caucasus in the young people's views

Avdeev Evgenij A., Vorobev Sergej M., Kolesnyak Vasily S.
63-69   338

The article considers the state of interethnic relations in the North Caucasus in the assessments and ideas of young people. The empirical basis of the study was the results of a sociological survey of student youth in 2022. The state of interethnic relations in the North Caucasus is assessed by the...
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Victim complex in the collective consciousness of the Crimean Tatar community of the city of Sevastopol

Kosov Gennadiy V., Makovskaya Daria V.
70-74   357

The relevance of the study is due to the need to ensure ethno-confessional harmony in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The aim of the study was to establish and classify the key patterns of victimization of the Crimean Tatars in the city of Sevastopol, to identify signs of the pres...
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Modern approaches to measuring political trust: a review of Russian and foreign scientific literature

Grishin Nikolai V.
75-80   530

The review article contains an analysis of the main trends in the study of the issues of measuring political trust in domestic and foreign scientific literature. The main attention is paid to the scientific literature of the period of the 2010s and early 2020s: in this period of time, there is a sur...
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Electoral cybersecurity as a concept and its international political dimension

Arteev Sergey P., Kardava Nikolai V.
81-86   437

Digitalization transforms electoral processes. In this connection, the problem of electoral cybersecurity as a new problem area at the intersection of IT and politics becomes relevant. The relevant question arises: What is "electoral cybersecurity" and what is its domestic and international politica...
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Implementation of the geopolitical strategy of EAEU member states in the Caspian Region

Velikaya Sabina A.
87-93   412

Eurasian Economic Union is an international association, aimed at strengthening and expanding the integration processes in the post-Soviet space. The emergence of new initiatives and cooperation projects of the Union suggests that its potential to link up with other international organizations, regi...
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Features of the modern regionalization of the local self-government system (using the example of the Northern Caucasus national republics)

Limareva Marina V.
94-99   372

In democratic political systems, the question of the quality and effectiveness of the local self-government system has always come first.At the same time, the development of democratic institutions suggested a mutually beneficial dialogue between the authorities and civil society. In countries with ...
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Prospects for cooperation between the EAEU and Iran in the energy sector

Usmanov Rafik Kh., Yugzov Vadim M.
100-104   402

The Russian Federation is one of the most developed countries in the field of energy, as well as the most developed EAEU state in both economic and energy terms. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a developing country with enormous potential in the field of energy, labor and economic resources. Under t...
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A study of new media opinion on China in the context of Sino-US competition

Han Wenxin
105-109   319

The war of public opinion is an important part of the Sino-American rivalry. However, due to changes in domestic politics and the development of new media in the United States, the model of public opinion in the United States is also taking on new characteristics. Therefore, it is important to stren...
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The image of the future of Kazakhstan during the COVID-19 pandemic: optimistic and pessimistic views of respondents

Utekova Zaru D.
110-115   319

This study is part of a study conducted by the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University. This article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the image of the future of one's own country, which is an integral part of the pol...
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Iran as an ally of Russia in the development of the transport potential of the Black Sea-Caspian region

Abkairov Abkhayir-Celebi Y. ogly
116-120   324

The article considers the transnational logistics potential of the Black Sea-Caspian region, taking into account its current political situation. The aims and positions of the actors of the region, in particular the states of the South Caucasus, and Turkey, which occupies the most important place i...
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Reception and сriticism of H. White's philosophy of history in the early works of F. Ankersmit

Zaets Dmitry V.
121-124   388

Since H. White raised the question of the relationship between reality and knowledge in the philosophy of history, disputes about this problem have not ceased. In the middle of the 20th century, this question was formulated in the categories of literary criticism. F. Ankersmit was one of the critics...
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Philosophy as a practice: spiritual exercises and the creation of concepts

Mukhortov Anton S., Karneev Rodion R.
125-129   346

Philosophy is a complex and inhomogeneous space. Over its history, philosophizing styles have appeared. Such diversity provides scope for conceptualizations and representations. One of these possibilities is the presentation of philosophy as a contrast to the philosophy of lifestyle - as a set of sp...
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Perevozchikova L. S., Avdeenko E. V. Rational and irrational in human behavior

Chernikov Mikhail V., Perevozchikova Larisa S., Avdeenko Evgeniya V.
130-135   434

This article analyzes the features of human behavior through the prism of antonymous concepts of "rational" and "irrational". There's discussed the traditional and is proposed a new conceptual interpretation of the concepts of "rational" and "irrational". In the light of this interpretation and taki...
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Catastrophic consciousness: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Lepeshkin Sergey A.
136-139   404

The purpose of this work is an attempt to show how much public consciousness is subject to changes against the background of various historical epochs. From which processes, activities and existential problems the catastrophic consciousness of society is constructed. From the point of view of philos...
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Possibilities of analytical thinking of students in working with fake material

Tikhonova Valentina L., Zakutnov Oleg I.
140-145   334

The state of the modern information society can be defined as a period of post-truth, where facts and evidence are of much less value than the reactions they caused and especially the emotions of people. A modern person lives in the space of huge information flows, in which it is very difficult to n...
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The editing principle of thinking as the basis of author's innovations in the art of cinema in the context of philosophical and anthropological problems

Panova Stella V.
146-150   389

The article offers a philosophical interpretation of theoretical concepts devoted to the editing principle of thinking a phenomenon in cinematography, which is based on the creation of a new quality that arises with a purposeful author's combination of frames. The value of the contribution of Deleuz...
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Architectural environment design and costume in the context of the harmonization of the subject world (based on the materials of the Astrakhan region)

Dzhamaletdinov Marat R.
151-154   346

The orientation of Russian education towards the general cultural development of students has historically been one of its priority positions and is regarded as an enduring value. This position is reflected in the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation". The general culture of a person is a way...
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Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the investment project "Agrobot"

Rybakov Alexey V., Rybakov Ilya A., Arykbayev Ravil K.
155-159   302

The paper presents an analysis of existing publications in the field of economic efficiency of agricultural robotics, provides methods used in our country to assess the economic efficiency of investment projects and calculations of the project "Agrobot" according to the selected methods. The investm...
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From the history of the creation of Astrakhan State University

Vinogradov Sergey V., Golovin Vyacheslav G.
160-164   307