Stalin's deportation of 1944 in the historical memory of modern Chechen youth (sociological perspective of the analysis)

Zhemchuraeva Seda S., New_author_1



The article analyzes the problem of modern Chechens' perception of deportation and its consequences on the basis of a sociological study conducted by the authors in 2021 "Deportation of Chechens (1944) in the views of youth" (Grozny, 2021, n = 360). The respondents were selected by the snowball method. The sample is representative, displays the general population by gender, age, territory of residence. The survey was attended by respondents aged 15 to 29 years who identify themselves with the Chechen ethnic group. The study showed that more than half (54%) of respondents are sure that there was not a single good reason for repression, it was the genocide of an entire nation. Every fourth respondent (25%) believes that the expulsion of Chechens to Kazakhstan and Central Asia was a "cleansing" of strategically important territory from "unreliable" people. Almost every fifth respondent (21 %) believes that the hostility and distrust of the authorities towards Chechens became the main motive when deciding on eviction. Factors of political, ethno-confessional, socio-cultural isolation during the deportation largely influenced the spiritual state of the Chechen people, entrenching anxiety in the minds of descendants. As a result of the deportation, subsequent generations had a sense of the cyclical nature of ethnic tragedies and historical injustice towards the Chechen people.


Contribution of the authors

Zhemchuraeva S. S. – development of the research concept and its methodology, preparation and conduct of questionnaires, data processing and analysis, preparation of the source text, final conclusions; Ibragimov Musa M. – participation in the development of the research concept, historiographical analysis, data processing and analysis, revision of the text, final conclusions


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2022 No. 4 (73)


Article information




Zhemchuraeva S. S., Ibragimov M. M. Stalin's deportation of 1944 in the historical memory of modern Chechen youth (sociological perspective of the analysis). Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2022, no. 4 (72), pp. 36–42.Х_2022_4_36.


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