Formation of theoretical and methodological foundations of cyclic concepts in the political sphere: on the example of the works of scientists of Modern times

Khudyakov Andrey V.



The author of the article examines the formation of theoretical and methodological foundations of cyclic concepts in the political sphere on the example of the works of scientists of Modern times. The dynamic development of relations in society required a scientifically based prediction of their dynamics. This led to the interest of thinkers in cyclical processes. Comparative historical analysis allowed us to consider the genesis of linear and cyclic concepts. The emphasis is placed on the content of theories, which is considered in the context of the dominant worldview of the epoch. The concepts of Modern scientists are ideal models that will allow you to simply describe a complex tactical reality. This makes the theories available for criticism from other thinkers and the basis for further research. The author comes to the conclusion: in the era of Modern times, the linear concept of progress begins to assert itself in the political thought of Europe. Cyclical models have entered into competition with civilizational, stadium and progressive concepts. Models where the political process is viewed as a «spiral of development» are becoming relevant. Its heuristic and prognostic potential was revealed by G. Hegel. A. Tseshkovsky, K. Marx, G. Spencer, E. Dembovsky applied the logic of G. Hegel's critical analysis to study processes in the field of politics and economics. They described the key factors that influence the progressive dynamics of society. This is knowledge, the industrial revolution, the social stratification of society. Conflict is the basis of these scientists' linear models. In Modern times, a socio-cultural concept has been developed. It is also demanded in the XXI century.



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  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2022 No. 4 (73)


Article information




Khudyakov A. V. Formation of theoretical and methodological foundations of cyclic concepts in the political sphere: on the example of the works of scientists of Modern times. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2022, no. 4 (72), pp. 48–54.Х_2022_4_48.


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