The Tsaritsyn-Vladimirovka railway project and an attempt to implement it in 1918–1919.

Bolotov Nikolai A., Opalev Maxim N.



The article deals with the problem of the construction of temporary military field railroads in the area of the city of Tsaritsyn in the conditions of the Civil War. It is pointed out that the necessity to build the southeast exit from Tsaritsyn was dictated not by economic, but by military and political interests of supplying the Red Army that was fighting for the city. The author analyzes the forms and methods of construction work organization, reveals the role of party and state structures and public organizations in conditions of "war communism" policy. There are revealed the problems of rationalization of labor, which arose during the production associated with an extremely high rate of work and catastrophically low technical equipment. The use of records and documentation of party and state authorities of the Bolshevik power in Tsaritsyn makes it possible to conclude that the successfully started construction of the railway line on the eastern left bank of the Volga river has been stopped because of disastrous lack of engineers, workers, and material resources of the existing railway lines that had been destroyed in the confrontation of the Red and White armies. After the Civil War and up to 1941 the idea of the railway connection of Tsaritsyn (Stalingrad) with Central Asia and Siberia was elaborated at the level of projects, which were practically implemented in the conditions of the beginning of Soviet-German military confrontation.


Contribution of the authors

Bolotov N. A. – scientific management, research concept, justification of the purpose of the article, writing the draft, the consolidation of data, final conclusions; Opalev M. N. – work in archives, processing and presentation of source materials, follow-on revision of the text, final conclusions.


  1. State Archive of the Volgograd Region (GAVO). Found 37, inventory 1, case 238.
  2. GAVO. Found 37, inventory 3, case 326.
  3. GAVO. Found 71, inventory 1, case 34.
  4. GAVO. Found 71, inventory 1, case 89.
  5. GAVO. Found 71, inventory 1, case 166.
  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2022 No. 4 (73)


Article information




Bolotov N. A., Opalev M. N. The Tsaritsyn-Vladimirovka railway project and an attempt to implement it in 1918–1919. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2022, no. 4 (72), pp. 26–30.Х_2022_4_26.


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