Philosophy as a practice: spiritual exercises and the creation of concepts

Mukhortov Anton S., Karneev Rodion R.



Philosophy is a complex and inhomogeneous space. Over its history, philosophizing styles have appeared. Such diversity provides scope for conceptualizations and representations. One of these possibilities is the presentation of philosophy as a contrast to the philosophy of lifestyle - as a set of specific practices that are not explicitly related to conceptual creativity; and philosophy - as the creation of concepts - the philosopher leads the most trivial everyday way of life, but carries out a conceptual work. The key motive for the work is the change in the optics of consideration philosophy as an interconnection of lifestyle and creation of concepts. The relevance of the work is determined by the reorientation of philosophy towards life practices that emerged in the last century as opposed to abstract theorizing. The purpose of the work is to demonstrate the practical optics of considering philosophy. The main method used in this work is the analysis of sources. The sources are classic works of practical philosophy. In this article, the works of P. Ado, devoted to spiritual exercises, are especially closely examined.


Contribution of the authors

Mukhortov A. S. – development of the research concept, substantiation of the purpose of the article, writing the source code, final conclusions; Karneev R. R. – writing the source text (parts devoted to conceptualization), sourcing, final conclusions


  1. Ado, P. Dukhovnye uprazhneniya i antichnaya filosofiya [Spiritual Exercises and Ancient Philosophy]. St. Petersburg: Stepnoy veter; 2005, 448 p.
  2. Ado, P. Filosofiya kak sposob zhit [Philosophy as way of life]. Moscow: Sotsium; 2010, 288 p.
  3. Volkov, V, Kharkhordin, O. Teoriya praktik [Theory of practices]. St. Petersburg: European University at St. Petersburg;, 2008, 298 p.
  4. Dekart, R. Razmyshlenie o pervoy filosofii [Meditations on First Philosophy]. Rene Descartes. Sochieniya: v dvukh tomakh [Works: in 2 vol.]. Moscow: Mysl; 1994, vol. 2, 640 p.
  5. Delez, G., Guattari, F. Chto takoe filosofiya? [What is philosophy?]. Moscow: Akademicheskiy proekt; 2009, 261 p.
  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2022 No. 4 (73)


Article information




Mukhortov A. S., Karneev R. R. Philosophy as a practice: spiritual exercises and the creation of concepts. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2022, no. 4 (72), pp. 125–129.Х_2022_4_125.


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