Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the investment project "Agrobot"

Rybakov Alexey V., Rybakov Ilya A., Arykbayev Ravil K.



The paper presents an analysis of existing publications in the field of economic efficiency of agricultural robotics, provides methods used in our country to assess the economic efficiency of investment projects and calculations of the project "Agrobot" according to the selected methods. The investment project is focused on application in the agricultural sector. The target audience of the project at the first stage is farms of the Astrakhan region and large agricultural producers of the region. It is assumed that a small enterprise will be created to sell agricultural robots. The main products sold within the framework of the Agrobot project will be robotic complexes of 3 modifications: lightweight, basic and improved. To present the Agrobot project to investors, it is necessary to calculate its economic efficiency. The economic efficiency of the investment project is calculated by the method of net discounted income using various approaches to determining the value of the risk premium. The calculation was made for 4 years with a preliminary one-time investment of the order of the cost of 60 robots and payment for the work of the project performers. The project under consideration, taking into account the stated prices and the sales plan, will begin to make a profit after 4 years and can be invested for the declared amount.



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  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2022 No. 4 (73)


Article information




Rybakov A. V., Rybakov I. A., Arykbayev R. K. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the investment project "Agrobot". Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2022, no. 4 (72), pp. 155–159. https://doi.org/10.54398/1818510Х_2022_4_155.


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