The editing principle of thinking as the basis of author's innovations in the art of cinema in the context of philosophical and anthropological problems

Panova Stella V.



The article offers a philosophical interpretation of theoretical concepts devoted to the editing principle of thinking a phenomenon in cinematography, which is based on the creation of a new quality that arises with a purposeful author's combination of frames. The value of the contribution of Deleuze and Podoroga in the development of a philosophical approach to the specifics of the image of the world and man on the screen with the help of editing is substantiated. Theoretical thought seeks to formulate in discussions about the "meaning" of the author's construction of a cinematic image through the editing principle certain philosophical conclusions and views on life, art, and the problems of human existence. The comparative method used in the study made it possible to compare the "interpretation" of the installation in the works of V. Podoroga, A. Bazin, J. Deleuze and others for a more complete representation and generalization of the essential characteristics of the installation principle of thinking from a philosophical and aesthetic point of view. It is concluded that the philosophical study of the specifics of the montage principle of thinking as an art phenomenon in the creation of a visual and semantic structure with new artistic qualities in the context of philosophical and anthropological issues is relevant and in demand. The identification of a new artistic quality in the installation design requires the author to search for a creative movement with its logical, intuitive and heuristic relationships. The use of cinematographic tools, the editing principle of thinking to comprehend the problems of human existence not only reveals the identity of the author, but also expands the field of research in philosophical anthropology. The philosophical and anthropological interpretation of the montage principle makes it possible to identify not only the core of the author's ideological meanings expressing the individual's attitude to the world, but also the problems of being a person in general, a human creator, an author, since he participates in their formulation and solution by artistic means.



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  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2022 No. 4 (73)


Article information




Panova S. V. The editing principle of thinking as the basis of author's innovations in the art of cinema in the context of philosophical and anthropological problems. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2022, no. 4 (72), pp. 146–150.Х_2022_4_146


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