Implementation of the geopolitical strategy of EAEU member states in the Caspian Region

Velikaya Sabina A.



Eurasian Economic Union is an international association, aimed at strengthening and expanding the integration processes in the post-Soviet space. The emergence of new initiatives and cooperation projects of the Union suggests that its potential to link up with other international organizations, regional institutions and individual countries is increasing each year. New ties are emerging and old ones are developing, and the programmes implemented by the Caspian Five are also contributing to this. Given the fact that the two Caspian states - Russia and Kazakhstan - are represented within the EAEU, cooperation in the framework of joint projects is becoming increasingly important. Moreover, the article's relevance stems from the rapidly changing political space of the Caspian region as well as the EAEU countries in a transforming world order. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the geopolitical strategy of the EAEU in the Caspian region and the policy processes that take place in the Caspian region involving the EAEU. The research is based on structural-functional and interdisciplinary approaches, institutional and systemic methods. The analysis of modern literature and legal acts allowed us to identify the main objectives of the EAEU geopolitics in the Caspian region, as well as the prospects, threats and challenges of cooperation of integration associations. The results of the study will allow further detailed research of the presented topics.



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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2022 No. 4 (73)


Article information




Velikaya S. A. Implementation of the geopolitical strategy of EAEU member states in the Caspian Region. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2022, no. 4 (72), pp. 87–93.Х_2022_4_87.


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