The image of the future of Kazakhstan during the COVID-19 pandemic: optimistic and pessimistic views of respondents

Utekova Zaru D.



This study is part of a study conducted by the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University. This article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the image of the future of one's own country, which is an integral part of the political picture of the world of the entire Kazakhstani society as a whole. In addition, today this topic is very relevant, since it occupies an important place on the agenda of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the image of the future of Kazakhstan through the eyes of Kazakhstanis during the COVID-19 pandemic. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the interdisciplinary consideration of this issue involving all categories of respondents inhabiting the Republic of Kazakhstan in an in-depth interview. The sample consisted entirely of respondents from all regions of Kazakhstan. The research methodology included 80 in-depth interviews that were conducted during the period of quarantine restrictions, namely the period of 2020 and 2021. The interview template included questions related to the impact of quarantine on the image of the country's future. The article revealed that it is clearly difficult for all categories of respondents to assess the image of the future of Kazakhstan as a value setting during a pandemic. As a result, various alternatives for the development of the future of Kazakhstan were identified, both optimistic and pessimistic based on the answers of the respondents. It should be emphasized that this study is of a qualitative nature, therefore it does not pretend to be representative, but at the same time it shows substantial trends in the existing image of the future in the mass consciousness of the inhabitants of Kazakhstan. In this regard, this issue requires close attention and further continuous study.



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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2022 No. 4 (73)


Article information




Utekova Z. D. The image of the future of Kazakhstan during the COVID-19 pandemic: optimistic and pessimistic views of respondents. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2022, no. 4 (72), pp. 110–116.Х_2022_4_110


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