Peasant protest in the Enotaevsky district of the Astrakhan province in the winter of 1918–1919

Timofeeva Elena G., Tyurin Alexey O., Lebedev Sergei V.



The relevance of the stated topic is determined by the insufficient study in the space of regional historiography of various aspects of the scientific problem related to the study of the causes, forms, nature and results of peasant resistance to the policy of emergency requisitioning, mobilization activities carried out in the Soviet countryside during the civil war. The position of the Astrakhan province, which in the period under study was a “military camp of the front line”, determined the strengthening of the processes of the mobilization policy of the Soviet government in the region, the tightening of repressive measures against its population, especially the rural population, in terms of non-compliance or resistance to ongoing requisition and confiscation actions. Reconstruction of events on the example of a specific district (Enotaevsky) of the Astrakhan province complements the all-Russian picture of the protest peasant movement with new sources at the regional level. A systematic approach to the analysis of the scientific problem allowed the authors to consider it in a combination of factors that reveal the main causes, characteristics and results of the protest anti-Bolshevik action of the rural population. Special historical research methods (historical-genetic, historical-typological, historical-comparative) allowed the authors to analyze the sources of personal history. The inclusion in the narrative of the memories of real participants in the events, which are subjective, ideologically verified, made it possible to see the motives for the behavior of the characters in the series of events described, to show the flavor of the era. Together with other archival sources (reports, reports, statistical materials), they reflected specific events of the civil war. The purpose of the study was to comprehensively analyze the totality of factors and processes that characterized the protest actions of the rural population of the Enotaevsky district of the Astrakhan province during the winter of 1918-1919, when it became a front-line region.


Contribution of the authors

Timofeeva E. G. – scientific management, research concept, justification of the purpose of the article; writing the draft; the consolidation of data; final conclusions. Tyurin A. O. – work in archives; processing and presentation of statistical data, source materials; writing the draft; follow-on revision of the text; final conclusions. Lebedev S. V. – work in archives; processing and presentation of statistical data, source materials; final conclusions.


  1. Archive of the Information Center of the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Astrakhan Region. Found P. 58, inventory 1, case 25.
  2. State Archive of Astrakhan region (GAAO). Found P. 1, inventory 1, case 5.
  3. GAAO. Found P. 296, inventory 2, case 68.
  4. GAAO. Found P. 296, inventory 3, case 54.
  5. GAAO. Found P. 296, inventory 3, case 115.
  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2022 No. 4 (73)


Article information




Timofeeva E. G., Tyurin A. O., Lebedev S. V. Peasant protest in the Enotaevsky district of the Astrakhan province in the winter of 1918–1919. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2022, no. 4 (72), pp. 31–35.Х_2022_4_31.


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