Issue 2018 No. 4 (57)


The problem of citizenship of the Astrakhan Persian merchant community in the late XVIII - early XIX centuries

Pirova R. N.
11-16   332

The object of this article is the legal policy of the Central Russian and the Astrakhan regional authorities in relation to the separate societiesy group - Astrakhan Persian merchants. As a subject of study in this article stands allegiance legal status of the Persian merchants, who lived in Astrakh...
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International contacts of ship priests of the Russian Imperial Navy

Kopylov S. N.
16-21   477

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of international contacts of ship priests of the Russian Imperial fleet. The participation of the Navy clergy in long voyages and round-the-world voyages is considered. Special attention is paid to their international contacts with representatives of the n...
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Features of the career and service hierarchy of pharmacist employees Russian Imperial Navy

Makerova S. Yu.
22-26   345

Shults E. E.
27-34   324

The article is devoted to correlation of revolutionary ideology and determination of the phenomenon as special socio-political phenomenon - revolution. Relevance of similar researches is caused by a weak readiness of a subject and 100-year anniversary of the Russian revolution (due to this the resea...
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Suganary cityout of border: cultural hybridity under the conditions oftransboundar space Harbin

Antropov O. K., Meshcheryakov A. Yu.
35-41   430

Authors analyze the process of cultural hybridization and transboundar communication on the contact territory of China and Russia in the urban landscape of Harbin. Within the Harbin is regarded as the administrative and political center of the Russian emigration because of its position at the crossr...
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Wage growth and regulation of prices: measures to improve the welfare of workers in the years of the NEP

Likholet O. V.
42-46   312

He purpose of the article is to study the measures of the Soviet government to improve the welfare of workers in the years of the new economic policy. The objective of the article is to study such aspects of the stated goal as the Directive reduction of prices in the state and cooperative trade and ...
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Correctional labor camps of the NKVD of the Stalingrad region during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

Krasnozhenova E. E., Kulik S. V.
47-51   325

The battle of Stalingrad was one of the largest in the history of the great Patriotic war, and after its end there was a need to restore industrial enterprises and social institutions of the city. One of the key problems of the recovery process in Stalingrad was the shortage of labor. Under these co...
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Luchinin S. V.
52-57   338

In this article, the author, using a civilizational approach, reveals a new factor that plays a significant role in the history of Russia, determining its historical development starting from the beginning of the XVIII century. This factor, the author conditionally calls “the inferiority complexвЂ...
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Professor N. N. Palmov`s contribution for development of historical science in Kalmykia

Dzhagaeva O. A.
58-63   344

The author in this article analyzes the scientific activities of professor N. N. Palmov, who made a significant contribution to the formation and development of the historical science of Kalmykia. The article is presented biographical information showing the formation of N. N. Palmov as a historian-...
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Study world history in high schools Lower Volga region in the second half of the XX century and their role in the development of historical science in the region

Grigoryeva N. A., Khoroshenkova A. V.
63-69   338

The subject of research is the research activity of historians of the Lower Volga universities in the second half of the 20th century. The object of research is the development of historical science in the Lower Volga region. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the formation ...
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The role of bureaucracy in socio-economic development and management of Kalmykia in 19th century

Matsakova N. P., Amaeva D. V., Okonova L. V.
69-75   335

This article considers the actual problem of the role of bureaucracy in socio-economic development and management system. This was especially important in 19th century, when bureaucracy became an essential tool for modernization. This goal was served by the establishment of guardianship - state syst...
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Theoretical-legal analysis of international documents of universal and regional character of freedom of conscience, belief and religion

Babochina E. V., Kosov G. V., Stankevich G. V.
76-85   328

The Relevance of the study is due to the current political situation and the use of such an actor as the politicization of religion to address domestic political issues. The authors take into account the recent events in the territory of modern Ukraine, whose leadership directly interferes in the Af...
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“Let's help the сity!”: public council as format of interaction of citizens and city authorities in conflict conditions

Kolba A. I.
85-92   351

In the article the interaction’s problems of public andpower cities’structures level are considered on an example of KrasnodarCity. The researcher’s aim is to identify the degree of their effectiveness as a format urban conflict management. The research is conducted within the framework the co...
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Problems of economic diplomacy development in Russia

Mirgorod D. A.
92-96   393

The article examines the problematic field of modern economic diplomacy, its functioning at the present time, and practical application by various states. For Russia, whose economy is more focused on the export of energy resources, the development of economic diplomacy is one of the priorities, both...
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Education in Europe in the light of migration process

Varlamova E. V.
97-100   302

Migration has long been a natural process for modern society, but the processes taking place in Europe in recent years make us think about the safety of the host community which invites manymigrants and refugees. Taking into consideration the mistakes of the past years associated with the weak integ...
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Conceptual approaches to the state policy on formation of personnel reserve of foreign countries

Nalimov R. Yu.
101-104   340

The article is devoted to the mechanisms of formation and usage of the personnel reserve in the countries of the Continental model (Germany, France) and the Anglo-Saxon model of public service (UK, USA). Despite various historical background, there are some similar elements of the public service of ...
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Visual urban space and conflicts in terms of modern visual culture

Sazantovich A. B.
105-111   335

This article explores the visual aspect of the conflicts emerging within the urban space. How does the visual urban space, regarded as a context, influence conflicts? The author takes an attempt to discover the complex interdependencies occurring between the visual urban space and the conflict itsel...
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George Kennan’s influence on the formation of Russia’s image in the American society at the turn of XIX-XX centuries

Spartak S. A.
112-116   327

This article examines the image of Russia in American society in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Focus is made on publications and speeches of the well-known American journalist and public figure George Kennan and his influence on the formation of Russia’s image in the United States. The articl...
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Russia in Serbian national mythologies since XIX century until the First World War and its influence on the modern international relations

Grigorev A. V., Е»akowska M.
116-125   331

This article will analyze how indigenous Balkan and Russian imperial motifs influenced Serbian national discourses from the second part of the nineteenth century until the First World War. It will focus especially on how the Russian Slavophil and Pan-Slav ideologies affected Balkan national myths, s...
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Power-property in Russia and China: oil and gas industry example

Kashina E.A.
125-132   308

Article provides an overview of the “power-property” concept and related theories which are closely describing industry business and authorities’ relations in transformation processes assessments. The author underlines sensitivity and dependency Russia and China in terms of their energy policy...
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Information field management in the system of the state information policy functions

Aristov A.V.
132-136   337

In the framework of this article the author considers the object and the subject of the state information policy and also substantiates the thesis that the management of the information field is an integral part of the state information policy functions system....
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Image of a woman-mother in Mahayana tradition of Buddhism (on the example of buddhist culture of Oirats)

Ulanov M. S., Erendzhenova Yu. Yu.
137-144   334

The article is devoted to the study of the image of a woman-mother in Mahayana Buddhism, the fundamental value of which is bodhichitta as a sincere desire to achieve a state of enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings. An analysis of the Mahayana texts shows that due to faith in reincarnat...
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The valuative model of jihad on the example of the typology of Qayyim al-Jawziyya

Kuzmenko N. S.
144-149   336

The article considers jihad as a sociocultural phenomenon, interpreted and practically realized within the framework of various discourses. A valuative analysis of the jihad classification of the medieval Arab scholar and theologian Qayyim al-Jawziyya is offered. The multivaluation and variability o...
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Peculiarities of the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in Korea

Topchiev M. S.
150-154   513

The article is devoted to the missionary activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. Existing differences between the missionary practices of the Western and Eastern churches are examined. Analyzed the classification of the main methods of conducting the preaching of Christian missions. In the articl...
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Ambivalence of the influence of internet networks on the consymerization of Islam

Topchiev M. S., Dryagalov V. S., Kholova L. A.
154-159   315

The article analyzes the influence of Internet networks on the religious culture of modern Islam. In the modern world, the Internet should be considered as a means of expressing religiosity, allowing you to create your own information and communication space. Social networks are becoming not only a ...
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Alimentary models of the imaginative Other

Aliev R. T., Yakushenkova O. S.
160-166   337

The article is devoted to the analysis of the imaginative Other/Alien through the prism of alimentary culture, as this is one of the basic aspects of the perception of the Other. In the era of Wi-Fi and universal computerization, the World Wide Web is becoming the most accessible source of informati...
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Techno-human and continuation of history

Alekseeva I. Yu.
167-173   321

The paper treats the problem of the end of history in the context of philosophy of history and philosophical anthropology. The author opposes Fukuyama’s conception that involves transition to a "post-human" state as the only possibility of release from the "post-historical" reservation. The author...
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The great Russian historians about the problem “Russia - Europe” (V. N. Tatishchev, N. M. Karamzin, V. O. Kliuchevsky)

Moshchelkov E. N.
173-180   384

The article analyzes the comparative aspects of the interpretation of the largest Russian historians of the XVIII - early XX centuries. V. N. Tatishchev, N. M. Karamzin, V. O. Klyuchevsky - a topical controversial problem of the relationship between Russia and Europe. The evolution of historical res...
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The problem of effective application of the principles of tolerance in modern scientific discourse

Tikhonova V. L.
180-185   339

The article analyzes the implementation of the principles of tolerance in social practice. The absence of a single definition of this concept can lead to the abuse of the idea of respectful attitude to the Other, the unlike way of life, going beyond the universal human values protecting the healthy ...
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Evolution of approaches to the problem of Other / Alien: from the philosophical reflection to the phenomenon of Other / Alien as an object of the historical-cultural discourse

Avtorkhanova D. M.
185-192   336

This article is the first part of the study on the analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of the Other/Alien. The object of this study is the phenomenon of the Other/Alien, and the subject is the theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding...
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Philosophy and theology in context of university education

Glazkov A. P., Podvoisky L. Ya.
192-195   311

The article deals with the problem of the relationship between philosophy and theology within the confessional nature of university theological education. This issue is of particular relevance in the light of the formation and development of national university theology. The nature and content of ac...
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Francis Santi's contribution to development of the Russian heraldry

Zakutnov O. I.
196-199   402

The Russian heraldic system includes several elements of development: state heraldry, territorial heraldry, patrimonial and departmental heraldry. In this article Francis Santi's, activity as the Deputy King of Arms is considered. Data on F. Santi's work on the state, noble and urban heraldry of the...
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Political elites of Turkmenistan and the problems of national identity

Erofeeva O. V.
200-206   315

The political elites of Turkmenistan demonstrate their traditional uniqueness and immunity to global democratic trends. The closed nature of the Turkmen elite generates streams of unreliable information about its condition, resources, plans, and opportunities. The “game of democracy” is intended...
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Practical philosophy as an important branch of philosophical knowledge (information about the All-Russian scientific conference “Practical philosophy: the classics - up to the information society”, Russia, Astrakhan, on September 27-28, 2018

Baeva L. V., Podvoysky L. Ya.
207-210   328


Review of the monograph “Arctic Law and Governance. The Role of China and Finland” edited by Timo Koivurova, QIN Tianbao, Sebastien Duyck, Tapio Nykänen (Hart Publ., 2017, 312 p.)

Lebedeva I. V., Dzhunusova J. N.
211-212   317

This monograph is the result of cooperation between the Northern Institute of Environmental Protection and Minorities (Arctic Center, University of Lapland) and researchers from Wuhan University. The international team of scientists set a goal to identify the similarities and differences between the...
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