“Let's help the сity!”: public council as format of interaction of citizens and city authorities in conflict conditions

Kolba A. I.


In the article the interaction’s problems of public andpower cities’structures level are considered on an example of KrasnodarCity. The researcher’s aim is to identify the degree of their effectiveness as a format urban conflict management. The research is conducted within the framework the conflict paradigm in studying social processes, in particular, the concept of conflict’s institutionalization as a mechanism of their management is used. An analysis the activities of the Public Council under the city administration head is carried out.The tasks of this body and the possibilities their implementation in practice are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages this format public-power interaction in the conflict’s context associated with the development of urban space are highlighted. Its main characteristics are given: creation on the basis self-organization, the use of various forms of maintaining civic activity, the creation of network structures at the city level, the existence of claims to express the opinion of the urban public. The prospects for further development in this format are estimated.Recommendations for increase efficiency of activity public authorities in local government bodies.Prospects for further research in this area are associated with the identification of factors and mechanisms of activation local communities to achieve a balance in the movement interests in different segments the city's population.
