Shults E. E.


The article is devoted to correlation of revolutionary ideology and determination of the phenomenon as special socio-political phenomenon - revolution. Relevance of similar researches is caused by a weak readiness of a subject and 100-year anniversary of the Russian revolution (due to this the research and social thought comes back to unsolved and controversial issues of revolutions again). The comparative-historical method and the principle of analogies became methods of the research. The main conclusions can be grouped in the following. The template of the Great French revolution can't appear the single standard of revolutions, moreover the principles of progressiveness or retrograde have also no relation to identification of such phenomenon as revolution where it is necessary to separate the articulated slogans and a depth essence of the phenomenon. The research of ideology of revolution leads to a conclusion that the main components of revolutionary ideology are: 1) in its religiousness, 2) aspiration to creation of more perfect society - a social utopia, 3) nationalism (in a wide conceptual context) and 4) the idea of freedom. Ideological features appear cultural and territorial features which leave the mark on different revolutions, but aren't a determinant.
