Wage growth and regulation of prices: measures to improve the welfare of workers in the years of the NEP

Likholet O. V.


He purpose of the article is to study the measures of the Soviet government to improve the welfare of workers in the years of the new economic policy. The objective of the article is to study such aspects of the stated goal as the Directive reduction of prices in the state and cooperative trade and the growth of wages of industrial workers. The article considers the impact on the welfare of the population and the state of the consumer market of the all-Union campaigns to reduce prices, against the background of the growth of wages of industrial workers. Ideologically correct, but economically unjustified actions of the government led to the depreciation of the ruble and the reduction of real wages with their growth in absolute numbers. Another consequence was the shortage of essential goods at low prices. The paper shows how the issues of ideology and such a popular campaign in the Soviet period came into conflict with the economy and how it affected the financial situation of the population. The deterioration of the financial situation has led to a large turnover of qualified personnel. In the fight against this phenomenon, self-sealing campaigns began, which meant a transition to administrative and command methods of economic management.
