The problem of citizenship of the Astrakhan Persian merchant community in the late XVIII - early XIX centuries

Pirova R. N.


The object of this article is the legal policy of the Central Russian and the Astrakhan regional authorities in relation to the separate societiesy group - Astrakhan Persian merchants. As a subject of study in this article stands allegiance legal status of the Persian merchants, who lived in Astrakhan at the end of XVIII - begining of XIX centuries. Scientific novelty of the presented work is that the author first, based on the analysis of published and unpublished sources, has presented an objective picture allegiance relations to the Russian Empire the Persian merchants, which in the period under consideration occupied a leading position in the Russian-Asian trade in the Caspian sea. Moreover, at the modern stage of development is best for our country's trade relations through the port of Astrakhan with participation of entrepreneurs from the countries of the partners (among which in first place is Iran) is one of the most important strategic objectives. Past experience will certainly help to identify and implement the optimal options for the development of these relations at the present stage. The methodological basis of work was the principles of historicism, objectivism and the alternative that imply unbiased approach to the analysis of the problem and critical thinking data sources. The main attention is paid to the question of distribution of class legislation and of relations of the Russian allegiance on traded and lived in Astrakhan merchants of Persian origin. In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that in respect to designated groups of the Astrakhan merchants, the authorities were guided by considerations of political and economic feasibility in determining its allegiance status. Yet remained the leading role of the Persians in the Russian-Asian trade, the Russian authorities preferred to turn a blind eye to non-compliance with laws concerning allegiancerelations or a regime to the norms of Russian law.
