The problem of effective application of the principles of tolerance in modern scientific discourse

Tikhonova V. L.


The article analyzes the implementation of the principles of tolerance in social practice. The absence of a single definition of this concept can lead to the abuse of the idea of respectful attitude to the Other, the unlike way of life, going beyond the universal human values protecting the healthy development of society. Ideological propaganda in the countries of Western Europe as an absolute norm of such phenomena as same-sex marriages, non-traditional sexual orientations, independent choice of sex, etc. leads to an indifferent or respectful attitude to these phenomena on the part of Western society, which undermines the healthy development of the society. As a result, tolerance is transformed into tolerance - an ideology based on the distortion of the concepts of tolerance and associated with the position of forced indifference to manifestations of immorality and the destruction of historically formed spiritual and moral values. Therefore, it is important to define the boundaries of tolerance. Рђ good example of the implementation of its principles within its borders is the 1995 Declaration of Principles of Tolerance. And also learn how to critically assess the problem situation, developing its position on the basis of an analysis of heterogeneous information about the problem of interest. The development of critical thinking helps to understand the situation when messages are aimed at making an individual act or think in a certain way. In other words, do not be under the influence of mass suggestion or influence exerted by manipulating the symbols and psychology of the individual. In addition, critical thinking contributes to the fact that the individual is really able to penetrate the diversity of cultures and ways of life within the framework of universal values, without going beyond the boundaries of tolerance.
