Suganary cityout of border: cultural hybridity under the conditions oftransboundar space Harbin

Antropov O. K., Meshcheryakov A. Yu.


Authors analyze the process of cultural hybridization and transboundar communication on the contact territory of China and Russia in the urban landscape of Harbin. Within the Harbin is regarded as the administrative and political center of the Russian emigration because of its position at the crossroads of various water, dry, iron and commercial roads, and as a В«intersectionВ» of various races, ethnicities and cultures. In addition to the uniqueness of the political history of Harbin, in the framework of cultural history, Harbin is a phenomenon of Russian emigration throughout the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The construction of Harbin and other settlements along theChinese Eastern Railway was a new town-building experience for the Russian Empire, a new special stage of the Russian colonization of the Far East. In the 21th century. Harbin has not lost its border nature. Current Harbin people continue to participate in the process of cross-border communication between China and Russia.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2018 No. 4 (57)




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