Conceptual approaches to the state policy on formation of personnel reserve of foreign countries

Nalimov R. Yu.


The article is devoted to the mechanisms of formation and usage of the personnel reserve in the countries of the Continental model (Germany, France) and the Anglo-Saxon model of public service (UK, USA). Despite various historical background, there are some similar elements of the public service of foreign countries including in the formation of personnel reserves. The reserve training system is built into the overall personnel resources strategyand as a result new candidates receive the default position. This system of filling vacancies with the various competitive selection procedures creates optimal conditions for the sustainability of the public administration system. In addition, the author draws attention to the essential aspects in the formation of the personnel of civil servants of foreign countries concerning the principles of selection and promotion of personnel, levels of public service, categories of positions in the table of ranks. This approach makes it possible to show more clearly the reservation tools that are used by human resources services to attract new and promote existing civil servants. The basics of the organization of work with the personnel reserve in foreign countries would be of interest to the personnel services of the Russian Federation in the organization of the search system of highly qualified employees.
