Issue 2016 No. 4 (49)


The protection of the population in the First World War

Bagdasaryan A.O.
9-17   331

In the First World War the German air fleet bombarded the Russian administration centers and cities. These raids cause of death among the population. These events forced the Russian militarily administration to develop and realize the measures of protection of population from air raids....
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Marriage and family in Russia: past, present and future

Morozova O.V.
18-25   312

According to statistic data modern family in Russian Federation is in severe crisis. The number of official marriages is decreasing; the quantity of non-registered alliances is rising. As a result the number of illegitimated children, unmarried mothers and abandoned children is great. In these condi...
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The political banditry and fight with him in the Volga region in 1920-1921

Kotelnikov A.S.
25-33   339

In this author discusses the features of the political situation in 1921 in Soviet Russia. The study was research on archival and published material of a vast region of the country - the Volga region. The peculiarity of the Volga region was the fact that in contrast to the Tambov province, Ukraine, ...
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Features of development of heraldic system in Russia (on the example of the 19-20 centuries)

Zakutnov O.I.
33-38   334

Isatay Taymanov’s insurrection of 1836-1838 years in the Inner (Bukeev) Horde and role of it serving groups

Ishmukhambetov R.V.
39-47   323

This article is devoted to Isatai Taimanov’s insurrection in Bukeyev horde. Policy of Dzhangir Khan was “fertile ground” for the emergence of discontent and unrest among the people. All layers of society were somehow involved in the conflict. Varying was it the role taken by the serving groups...
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National models of personnel’s reserve on public service

Lunev A.P., Mordasova T.A., Mineva O.K.
48-55   318

This article describes compare analysis of national models of forming personnel reserve on public administration, reveals common characteristics and features of this process, defines priority activities of governmental HR departments for preparation and use. Attention is stressed on characteristics ...
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Administrative transformations in the BRICS countries: governability issues for equitable growth

Smorgunov L.V.
55-65   333

In the paper the modern approaches to the definition of the role of political and administrative systems as factors of equitable growth are demonstrated. The key areas of administrative transformation since the crisis of the new public management, which enable the state’s governability and the sta...
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Cross-sector partnerships and non-profit sector as a resource of anti-crisis development

Nikovskaya L.I., Molokova M.A.
65-72   313

The article discusses the contribution of nonprofit organizations in the solution of problems of anti-crisis development. With the ability to express the most diverse and specific interests of large and small community groups, they today constitute the most extensive and, in aggregate, the most sign...
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Hired labor: value, price, surplus value

Racoti V.D.
72-84   311

The problems of equitable remuneration are relevant to any society under any political system. Hired labor policy and its evaluation are always the prerogative of the state. In our society in the minds of ordinary citizens and many politicians formed a stable installation that the definition of “w...
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The global geopolitical transformations and national states’ crisis (on the materials of Jugoslavia and Ukraine

Baranov A.V.
84-97   416

In the article the features of the crisis of the nation-states in terms of geopolitical transformation 1980-2010-s are established on materials of Jugoslavia and Ukraine. Yugoslavia experienced a crisis and then the collapse, as a result of the choice of a decentralized federal system, constructing ...
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Theory of regional political marketing

Kislyakov M.M.
98-103   314

In the article the author analyzes the theoretical aspects of regional political marketing. In particular, the state of knowledge on issues of regional political marketing. Attention is drawn to the fact that in order to determine the nature of the process of development of a regional political mark...
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Features of modern regional security system in the Caspian region

Novoselov S.V.
103-111   332

Within the framework of the existing system of international relations, there are three relatively independent levels of security: international; regional; the security of individual countries. Each of these levels has its own, certain forms of security. The Caspian region is a set of interrelated i...
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Religious networks in the context of cultural safety of the South of Russia

Topchiev M.S.
111-117   323

Religious networks, being one of the most ancient ideological world network structures, are the most important part of the modern network society. Three stages of religious network structure development can be distinguished: traditional, institutional, and virtual ones. At the modern stage, religiou...
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Smirnova E.V.
118-124   298

The purpose of this article is to clarify the knowledge about the role of ideology in modern Russian society. The author demonstrates the scientific difficulties with the definition of the term “ideology” and proposes own understanding of ideology as a certain type of spiritual activity (and sim...
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Grigorev A.V.
124-129   318

The value structure of the Russians has undergone significant changes for the last twenty-five years. To any extent all the inhabitants of Russia were forced to go through the process of re-socialization, which was associated with the formation of new political values, adequate to the new situation ...
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Features of the electoral governance in Russia (based on materials of expert survey)

Marmilova E.P.
129-134   336

This article discusses ways to improve the electoral system in Russia based on the expert survey. As part of a research project supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities № 15-03-00153 “Public Policy and Management in the electoral process: conceptualization of scientific direction” in...
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Theoretical issues in the study of electoral reform

Morozova O.S.
135-140   319

The article considers a number of areas in the study reform of electoral systems, aktualisierungs lately. The question is raised how the structure of party systems affects the initiation and direction of electoral reforms. Examines data on the characteristics of electoral reform in post-Communist co...
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Self-organization of modern Russian Federation’s civil society: theoretical and methodological basic principles of research

Mordasov A.O.
140-148   375

The article reviews basic theoretical and methodological principles of self - organization Russian Federation’s modern civil society. With using of A. Tokvil’s and Y.Habermas’ scientific approach, to determination of actors, resources, which is necessary for modern civil society self-organizat...
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Mineva O.K.
148-151   316

In the framework of the article practice of audits conducted by the Audit Chamber of Russia in 2013-2015 is systematized, which can be the basis for improving public policy and legislative initiatives in the field of elimination of corruption-factors....
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Problems and prospects of modern state of youth policy formation“management greatest minds”

Amidov S.S. ogly, Lunev D.A.
151-154   314

The article presents the problems and prospects of development of modern management in the sphere of formation of “great minds” through reform of State policies, with the aim of forming modern managers’ integrated and adaptive thinking, namely such competencies as fast learning, self-awareness...
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Social responsibility as an element of modern social management

Lunev D.A.
155-158   310


The image of “Alien” at the Post-Soviet space

Romanova A.P.
159-166   332

The attitude to the Alien and the main characteristics of its image are important markers of the level of social organization and condition of any society. The Alien image was included not only into binary opposition “Own - Alien”, it builds the system of images “Own - Different - Alien - Enem...
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Cultural security in the land of Pushkin and chanson

Yakushenkov S.N.
166-175   401

The article is devoted to analysis of such a new direction in modern social sciences as “spiritual security”. On the basis of a number of factors, the author shows the impossibility to define an object and a subject of the research. Among the arguments, it is called the inability to give a defin...
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Star Trek: the original series as postfrontier text

Iakushenkova O.S.
175-180   319

The article is devoted to the American Tv-series "Star Trek" as postfrontier text. "Star Trek" is one of the most important science fiction series of the XX century, which largely influenced the development of the genre, and for 50 years of its existence has become a global media franchise. The auth...
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Linguo-cultural representation of the status paradigm of the concept “migrant”

Zolotykh L.G., Kosmacheva O.Yu., Elnikova S.I., Dzhenenko O.V., Sapozhnikov P.V.
181-190   317

The article provides a representation of the concept “migrant” by the Russian legislation and international law. The evolution of the representation of the concept “migrant” is shown by various Russian lexicographical sources. The basic classification concepts of the analyzed criteria are id...
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Experience understanding the unity of being in philosophical treatises on music

Svechkareva V.R.
190-197   314

In musical treatises about music of antiquity, epoch of middle Ages, Renaissance and theory of art of New time there are fundamental ideas of music philosophy as Cosmo-aesthetic musical tradition. Analysis of the music phenomenon as continuum of being allows to trace the sequence of changes in under...
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Epistemological characteristic of a freak as a stranger

Dzhenenko O.V.
197-203   326

The article presents a freak strangeness in the aspect of the epistemological approach. Genetic link of the epistemic field “freak” and “miracle” is learnt. Otherness of the freak as a cinematic strange character with illogical behavior, actions, causes puzzling people around him not to acce...
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Philosophical text in the modern textuai culture

Ryskeldieva L.T.
204-211   316

In the present article the question of an adequate context of the research in the field of philosophical meaning of the text is raised. The search for such context is based on two essential factors: expanding the scope of interdisciplinary research and the predominance of philologism in research of ...
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Evolutionism and religion in the works of English philosopher Julian Huxley (1887-1975

Trofimova Z.P.
211-218   342

Post-industrial worldview: opposition of traditional and innovative outlook

Khlyscheva E.V.
218-222   335

Any worldview corresponds to a certain historical era. It is that base of perception of the world around, leaning on which the person acts in this society, allocating such actions with a certain value. The worldview isn't static, it changes in process of development of society. The great number of w...
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Creativity problem in the Russian religious and philosophical tradition of the РҐРҐth century

Nemchinova A.L.
223-231   361

The author analyzes and proves a creativity problem from a position of the concept of a vseedinstvo. The organic interrelation of a problem of creativity with all main questions making a subject of the concept of a vseedinstvo of the Russian philosophy is noted. One of main is the provision that tru...
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The role of the Elite in the Russian transformation (in the context of Social Conflict Theory)

Nikovskaya L.I.
232-248   326

The article analyzes the possibility of the subject of the role of elites in the transformation process and overall development of society in the context of social conflict theory. As the basis of reconstruction types of conflicts are allocated to those entities whose activities have a significant i...
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V.I. Vernadsky’s noosphere idea in view of formats of the next “Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon”

Zarapin O.V.
248-256   318

In the article it is considered the problem interpretation for V.I. Vernadsky’s idea of noosphere. It is noted that interpretation problem arises as a result of equivocality - noosphere is used both as science concept and philosophical idea. The aim is to clarify the source of the noosphere equivo...
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The transformation of the epistolary genre in modern textual culture

Shapiro O.A., Shkorubskaya E.G.
257-265   312

In accordance with the present-time realities, contemporary philosophy is going through communicative turn. Continuous communication is the main trend of nowadays. The one of the main ways of its implementation is e-mail correspondence. Advantages of e-mail are obvious: instant messaging, the abilit...
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