Administrative transformations in the BRICS countries: governability issues for equitable growth

Smorgunov L.V.


In the paper the modern approaches to the definition of the role of political and administrative systems as factors of equitable growth are demonstrated. The key areas of administrative transformation since the crisis of the new public management, which enable the state’s governability and the state's competitiveness in a complex and uncertain environment, are identified. It describes the developmental trends of politico-administrative systems in the BRICS countries. BRICS states are considered as new competitive state, seeking to ensure not only stable economic growth, but also to link it with the investment public policy, which would have reduced the level of inequality in society and contributed to the wellbeing of their citizens. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between policy and administration, the role of strategic management, the expansion of the membership of political decision-making, government transparency and information, increasing accountability in the public administration system. There is the open nature of the administrative transformation and lack of conceptualizations of the new type of political and administrative reforms.
