Experience understanding the unity of being in philosophical treatises on music

Svechkareva V.R.


In musical treatises about music of antiquity, epoch of middle Ages, Renaissance and theory of art of New time there are fundamental ideas of music philosophy as Cosmo-aesthetic musical tradition. Analysis of the music phenomenon as continuum of being allows to trace the sequence of changes in understanding of the music phenomenon: from overcoming of irrational elements of the magic understanding to lining up ancient conception of understanding of music as organizations of the world are in time; on the way of mathematization of music in medieval aesthetics to principle of classicism of reasonable limitation of affects. It was related not only to the religiously-ethic requirement to repress passions but also with the comprehension of music as of harmonization all pure, to the reasonably arranged organization of life. The philosophical bases of the analysis of music go back to fundamental causation of the being, and hence the music itself is not a fluke, a certain mutation of spiritual collisions. Music is the beingness reaching within musical «validity» of necessary dialectic (forking) intensity. That is why - music is natural in relation to human ontology and culture. That is why semantic Association “world as man” provides an opportunity to consider the phenomenon of music as a symbolic ontological, cosmological and correlative knowledge of contexts. Understanding that the sources of understanding of music lie in the most ancient layers of culture, grounds to suppose that, studied in the context of elements of the most ancient knowledge, she will be able to become basis for deep research of cultural and historical continuum, where it is possible to find answers for the vital questions of attitude.
