The global geopolitical transformations and national states’ crisis (on the materials of Jugoslavia and Ukraine

Baranov A.V.


In the article the features of the crisis of the nation-states in terms of geopolitical transformation 1980-2010-s are established on materials of Jugoslavia and Ukraine. Yugoslavia experienced a crisis and then the collapse, as a result of the choice of a decentralized federal system, constructing a system of ethnic power, the contradictions between the economic interests of the regions. The West destabilized Yugoslavia, encouraged ethnic and religious conflicts, chose the strategy of crushing the country on weak and warring segments, weakening its orthodox core - Serbia. Ukraine - an example of a deep split, multinational state. Stable national identity of the citizen’s majority is absent. Steadily manifests long-term cleavages. The main reason for the crisis was the failure of the Ukrainian state elites of Slavic unity, the rate of forced Westernization. Both states experienced territorial fragmentation’ processes. Their goals are the same: submission to the will of the countries of the West, promoting long-term conflicts, the destruction of national states.
