Issue 2018 No. 2 (55)


Versions of emergence of the image of two-headed eagle in the Russian heraldry

Zakutnov O.I.
9-12   311

In history, a special role has always been given to the signs that embody the concept of the state, the Supreme power of the sovereign, the idea of his domination over his subjects. This article is devoted to the consideration of the main versions of the appearance in the Russian heraldry image of t...
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Problems of organization of water supply of the Bakhchisaray in the end of the XIX - at the beginning of the XX centuries

Osmanov E.E.
12-19   313

The tradition of erecting fountains, wells and other hydraulic structures arose because of the veneration of water in the East and the practical needs of agriculture (horticulture, viticulture) and handicraft production. That's why there were numerous fountains of Bakhchisaray. This article examines...
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Production programs and consumer demand in Soviet Russia in 1955-1960: the issue of the assortment of enterprises of the textile industry (based on the material of the Krasnodar Territory)

Gangur D.I.
20-26   312

In the article, on the basis of archival sources, the problems of assortment and quality of fabrics produced in 1955-1960 by one of the largest textile enterprises in the RSFSR - the Krasnodar Worsted Cloth Mill - are considered. An analysis of consumer demand for textile products and the causes of ...
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Formation and development of statistics and statistical committees in Russia: administrative conditions and legal status

Rubinina E.R.
27-32   324

The article compares the scientific and historical activities of the statistical committees of the Don and the Kuban. The process of development of regional historiography is being updated. Different points of view on the question of determining the nature of statistical information are given. A hie...
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Vocational and physical training soldier women in 70-80 years of the XX century

Nagornaya M.O., Bank O.P.
33-39   312

The article analyzes the theme of physical education of women in the postwar period. All-Union physical culture complex "Ready for labor and defense" has acquired a multifunctional importance for our country in difficult times. Through sports and physical training (TRP), Soviet citizens had achieved...
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Politics of globalization, nation state and individual sovereignty

Fedorova M.M.
40-47   367

The article analyses modern attempts to resolve the internal contradictions inherent in the articulation model of individual and state sovereigntiesformed in the Modern era and found its expression in the institution for citizenship. Citizenship loses its former functions in a complex dynamic system...
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Political institutions and mechanisms for the resolution of international conflict: history and modernity

Govorukhina K.A., Telyatnik T.E.
48-53   347

The article is devoted to the international conflicts that arise between the political actors in connection with the contradictions in realization of political interests, and political institutions designed to resolve such differences. The authors draw attention to the history and modernity of the i...
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Public opinion of students of humanitarian and technical specialties in the light of the current financial policy of the Russian Federation

Lebedeva I.V., Grigorev A.V.
54-59   310

The cryptocurrency is gaining its popularity and many people are interested in it, making plans for the future related to it, investing, paying for purchases. Since in our country the crypto currency has appeared relatively recently, we see that Russians are not sufficiently aware of this phenomenon...
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Correlation of civilizational and national styles of political processes development

Saydarkhano A.M.
59-70   416

The article defines the essence of socio-political phenomena, denoted by political terms “civilizational styles of development of political processes” and “national styles of development of political processes”, included in the passport of the scientific specialty 23.00.02 “Political insti...
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Stability and dynamics of party system in Russia: new opportunities for studying

Shpagin S.A.
70-77   532

The article is devoted to assessment of the general scales of dynamics of party system of modern Russia by means of the quantitative analysis. For the solution of an objective in work the research of statistical data on results State Duma elections in 1993-2016 with use of the modified index of elec...
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SCO: problems in relations between member states and prospects for further development

Dzhantaleeva M.Sh.
78-83   360

This article reveals the specificity of the main contradictions of the SCO member States, as well as the prospects for the development of this organization, after the expansion of the number of participants. Today, the SCO is the largest international organization in the world after the UN in terms ...
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Eastern vector: transformation Russian-Chinese interaction at the present stage

Kudryashova E.V.
83-92   328

The article is devoted to the growing importance of the Asian direction for Russian interests, as well as the full-scale connections of the Russian Federation to the integration processes in the region. The modern world is undergoing profound transformations related to global challenges and the cont...
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Vestamentary culture as a dividing marker between Our and Another

Khlyscheva E.V.
93-97   504

Being a constant element of our daily life, the Another differs in its basic characteristics, the most important of which are language, appearance and the Vestamental and Alimentary culture. According to these markers, the image of the Stranger and his otherness is formed in our minds. Ours use the ...
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Buddhism and its influence on the position of women among the nomads of Central Asia

Ulanov M.S.
98-106   339

The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of Buddhism on the position of women among the nomads of Central Asia. It is noted that the spread of Buddhism in Mongolia and Dzungaria helped to improve the status of women in society and increase their social status, which had been quite high...
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Philosophical aspects of esoteric tourism as a form of the rural tourist industry

Volkov S.N.
107-113   336

The article raises the question of the development of a new type of domestic tourism in the Russian tourism services market, namely, the esoteric one. Its existential dimensions and other philosophical aspects are evaluated. The question of possible prospects of this direction of the tourism industr...
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National self-consciousness as a peculiarity of intellectual culture of Russia

Reshetnikova N.S.
114-121   318

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the manifestation of national self-consciousness in Russian philosophical thought of the XIX - early XX centuries, which is regarded as part of the intellectual culture of Russia. In the process of research it is revealed that the problem field of intel...
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The influence of Isaac Newton's creativity on the "Jewish question"

Sharov K.S.
122-127   326

In this article, the role of the Jewish question in the exegesis of the English scientist and theologian Isaac Newton, is investigated. It is demonstrated that Newton laid the foundation in Anglican theological thought of understanding the Biblical prophecies about the return of the Jews to Palestin...
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Virtualization of protestant religious networks in Astrakhan region

Chernichkin D.A.
128-135   306

Religious networks, representing one of the oldest ideologically designed world network structures, are an important part of the modern networked society. At the present stage, religious network space can be represented as the imposition of transnational network flows on virtual and social networks ...
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Constitutional ideas and projects of the Decembrists: modern reading

Moshchelkov E.N.
136-144   423

This article analyzes the projects of restructuring of Russia from the position of two representatives of Decembrism: Nikita Muravyov and Pavel Pestel. The political ideas of these two persons formed the ideology and theory of political radicalism. In the author's opinion, the ideology of the Decemb...
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Stratagic thinking as the basis of the organizational model in security agencies

Emelyanov A.S.
144-150   316

This article is focuses an extensive and relatively young field of scientific knowledge - the theory of decision-making. The author turns to stratagic thinking and considers the possibility of its application in the sphere of management, in particular in security agencies. In this research, the foll...
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Digital immortality or eternal life in the virtual-game environment

Lopatinskaya T.D.
151-161   341

The article reveals two models of the existence of the concept of "immortality" in the world of "virtual realities": 1. Immortality in the virtual game space of a computer game, where modern online gaming and other computer programs, virtual reality platforms and IT technologies represent the newest...
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Royal power through the eyesof Russian intellectual elite beginning РҐРҐ century

Shebzukhova T.A.
162-169   329

The collapse of the Russian Empire is largely predetermined by internal crisis facts, burdened by the emerging external problems. Among the internal factors most often called the revolutionary situation, when the lower classes do not want to live the old way, and the tops cannot manage as before. It...
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Digital economics and elite education

Vyalkova T.S.
170-176   331

System training in a rapidly developing digital economy will require significant changes in the methodology and quality of the educational process, clarification and adjustment of the most general vector of higher education. The most popular professions today are the specialties from the group of IT...
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Studying the political process of "non-western countries". Review of the monograph A.А. Vartumianand T.A. Kornienko “The political process in the "non-Western" polities: the role of tradition and innovation”

Grishin N.V.
177-179   309

The review is focusedon the monograph by A.A. Vartumian and T.A. Kornienkoon the political process and the features of modernization models in non-Western societies. The review contains an assessment of the presented in the monograph characteristics of the political process and political regime in t...
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