Philosophical aspects of esoteric tourism as a form of the rural tourist industry

Volkov S.N.


The article raises the question of the development of a new type of domestic tourism in the Russian tourism services market, namely, the esoteric one. Its existential dimensions and other philosophical aspects are evaluated. The question of possible prospects of this direction of the tourism industry development and the needs of people who are interested in such travels will be raised. Using the methods of logical generalization, comparison, complex approach, the author considers not just philosophical aspects as the foundations of the tourism industry, but justifies the interrelation of economic, social, and psychological mechanisms in the system of esoteric tourism development. The main accents in the article are made on the process of development of this direction in the framework of rural tourism. Actually, there is an eclectic mixture of concepts and terms in the developing directions of the tour industry. The article raises the problem, spreading the notion of esoteric tourism as such, and tourism with elements of esotericism. The phenomenon of awareness of one's own place in the system of the universe by the consumer of such tours is underlined. Esoteric tourism provides a perception of the picture of the surrounding reality without an intermediary. As a consequence, the formation of the existential thinking of the personality by the ezo-tours is taking place. In this regard, the conclusion is made about the possible expansion of the scope of travelers in the tour-industry, oriented to esoteric routes. In his conclusions the author formulates a number of philosophical grounds for esoteric tourism at this stage of society's development.The possibility of manifesting a phenomenon of some spiritual transmutation of a person (in a positive sense), carried away by esoteric tourism, is emphasized.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2018 No. 2 (55)




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