Political institutions and mechanisms for the resolution of international conflict: history and modernity

Govorukhina K.A., Telyatnik T.E.


The article is devoted to the international conflicts that arise between the political actors in connection with the contradictions in realization of political interests, and political institutions designed to resolve such differences. The authors draw attention to the history and modernity of the issue being studied. For example, several countries in the Middle East describes the causes and possible ways of resolving international conflicts. The article uses methods of comparative analysis, structural and functional approach, methods of socio-logic, geography, geopolitics, and other interdisciplinary techniques for the analysis of factual and empirical material. For the illustration of the theoretical material, the data of sociological surveys, the results of the public opinion survey, historical dates, the names of scientists and figures in the field of politics and international relations were used. The authors of the article put the purpose of the study of the activities of political institutions and the mechanisms used by these institutions to resolve international conflicts. Taking into account the current conditions of political transformations and crisis phenomena in the world politics, an attempt is made to draw a conclusion about the need to reform and improve the development of international organizations and legislation in the field of regulation of interstate interaction. The attention is focused on such aspect of the research as international humanitarian law and the problems of its practical implementation; it refers to the predominant importance of personal rights and freedoms, humanization and peaceful settlement of any military conflict in order to avoid physical and material harm to civilians.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2018 No. 2 (55)




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