Digital immortality or eternal life in the virtual-game environment

Lopatinskaya T.D.


The article reveals two models of the existence of the concept of "immortality" in the world of "virtual realities": 1. Immortality in the virtual game space of a computer game, where modern online gaming and other computer programs, virtual reality platforms and IT technologies represent the newest version of the symbolic experience, which results in erasing the boundaries between game and reality. Thus, simulation worlds become reality, and reality becomes simulacrum. Modern man lives in a world of dreams, computer games or virtual simulations that excite him more than the real world. 2. Immortality as a result of the transfer of consciousness into a virtual environment. It is a concept of special technologies that allow to broadcast the personality of an individual on long-term storage media. In this case, the transfer of consciousness does not always imply a complete rejection of the biological body. The conclusion is drawn that digital immortality in the virtual-gaming space of the computer game is a real model for the existence of the concept of "immortality" in the world of "virtual realities", but immortality as a result of the transfer of consciousness in the virtual world is only a project, but major steps in this direction are already taken now.
