Politics of globalization, nation state and individual sovereignty

Fedorova M.M.


The article analyses modern attempts to resolve the internal contradictions inherent in the articulation model of individual and state sovereigntiesformed in the Modern era and found its expression in the institution for citizenship. Citizenship loses its former functions in a complex dynamic system where the forms of macro-regional integrationare paradoxically articulated with the increasing autonomation of subregional entities. These functions are associated with establishing a relative balance betweenuniversal and particular, between autonomy and coercion in society, in a man. Citizenship as a political idea and political institution of modernity which was an expression of the individual sovereignty in its (individuality) relation to the state under present conditions seems to divide into mutually intersecting "strata". Each stratum is a symbolically designed set of adherences and bonds: the so-called "close" citizenship, typical for the subnational level and marked by strong but particular bonds; macro-regional citizenship in which the bonds are utilitarian but weakly institutionalized.The realia of the information society require a revision of the pillars in the modern concept of sovereignty. Firstly, it is the concept of universalism, secondly, the concept of political space and lastly, the concept of historical time and historicity.
