Vestamentary culture as a dividing marker between Our and Another

Khlyscheva E.V.


Being a constant element of our daily life, the Another differs in its basic characteristics, the most important of which are language, appearance and the Vestamental and Alimentary culture. According to these markers, the image of the Stranger and his otherness is formed in our minds. Ours use the system of consumer signs, due to which they demonstrate their belonging to a certain layer, regardless of the individual's desire. Dissolving in the group of their Own, the individual begins to be involuntarily hostile to the external environment. Racial and ethnic prejudices are often associated with the formation of certain stereotypes of beauty. Somatic prejudices are a consequence of historical relationships between representatives of different racial groups, as well as a consequence of political and economic factors. Specific features of the development of societies in different parts of the world are clearly expressed in the variety of costumes that are a kind of "historical reference" of this society. Moreover, the more complex the structure of society, the more varied clothes became.
