Eastern vector: transformation Russian-Chinese interaction at the present stage

Kudryashova E.V.


The article is devoted to the growing importance of the Asian direction for Russian interests, as well as the full-scale connections of the Russian Federation to the integration processes in the region. The modern world is undergoing profound transformations related to global challenges and the contradictory nature of regional processes. In recent years, the role of Asia in the global system of international relations has increased noticeably. Asia is rightly attributed to one of the main driving forces of world development, the importance and role that will grow in the foreseeable future. This region attracts attention as a zone of dynamic economic growth and is one of the main centers of the world economy. Here, the interests of many states, primarily industrial and financial developed, are intertwined. The rapid development of Asia required the Russian Federation to reassess its national interests. There are serious prerequisites for the activation of Russia's policy in this region. As this direction gives confidence and stability to the general international situation of Russia, it strengthens the multi-vector nature of foreign policy
