Problems of organization of water supply of the Bakhchisaray in the end of the XIX - at the beginning of the XX centuries

Osmanov E.E.


The tradition of erecting fountains, wells and other hydraulic structures arose because of the veneration of water in the East and the practical needs of agriculture (horticulture, viticulture) and handicraft production. That's why there were numerous fountains of Bakhchisaray. This article examines the actions of the city authorities to preserve and repair existing fountains and wells, as well as efforts to lay a new water pipe to address the city's pressing problems. Careful attitude to water was peculiar not only to rural residents, but also to townspeople. Fountains were usually built by rich people for the good of the city, in memory of important events in the life of its organizers. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the city had 120 fountains feeding from three powerful sources, according to the guidebooks. Money for their maintenance went from the 20 shops constructed from khans period and leased, income from a fruit garden in Syureni, from an inn in the Bakhchisaray. At the end of the nineteenth century the situation has deteriorated: fountains in Bakhchisarai remained a small number, and almost all of them were in a catastrophic state. The water supply network was not contained rationally, the water consumption in the fountains was uneven, and only a small part of the vacufic revenues was used for its intended purpose indicated in the Uprava decisions.
