Issue 2016 No. 1 (46)


Formation and development of education Sevastopol (From the history of public education)

Novikova E.V.
9-15   584

The article is devoted history of becoming and development of education Sevastopol. The first civil institution of Sevastopol was opened in 1828. It was a district school. These schools are attended mainly boys. But in 1849, Elizabeth Devaux-Saint-Felix opens the girl's half-board, which taught God'...
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Domestic legislation on the treatment of foreign prisoners of war in the First and Second world war

Pchelkina E.V.
16-22   306

This article is a continuation of the theme of military captivity started in previous publications. The author focuses on the specifics of domestic regulations governing the status of prisoners of war of the first half of the XX century, and outlining the characteristics of certain original document...
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Problem of legal status of foreign prisoners of war in the international legislation first half of the XX century

Bolonina L. V.
22-28   333

This article is continuation of the subject of military captivity begun in the previous publications. The analysis of the international legal acts of regulation of the status of prisoners of war of the first half of the XX century is carried out. It is detailed who could have the status of foreign p...
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The formation of the image of “the other” in the relations of West African peoples and british missionaries in the second half of XIX century

Kudryashova Y.A.
28-35   314

The articles studies relations between West African peoples of Ibo and Joruba, and British missionaries in the second half of XIX century. The image of “the Other” plays a significant role in the construction of the self-image. One can realize the specific features of one's own culture only thro...
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Youth value orientations in russia's innovate development environment

Verezgova I.V., Tikhonova S.V.
36-41   325

The problem of the need for moral and spiritual components of education. The importance of patriotic education in the educational process. The authors emphasize the negative consequences deideologization and concluded on the importance of developing the ideological strategy of the state at the prese...
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РЎurrent theory of electoral and problems of electoral reform in the Republic of РЎolombia

Marmilova E.P.
41-46   332

All electoral systems are complex, with a large number of technical and political elements, which are combined according to the needs, the participants of the electoral process and the desired goals. In this article the author examines the problems of electoral reform in the Republic of Colombia. Cu...
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Environmental policy as a subsystem of the regional policy as an example of the Astrakhan region

Budovskaja O.V.
46-52   351

This article is devoted to the analysis of environmental policy in the Astrakhan region. The regional environmental policy - an integral part of socio-economic policies in the area. It should be aimed at improving the environmental conditions of life, health, longer lives and preserving the natural ...
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Problems of transformation elite in modern Russian-Belarusian relations

Gavrilina N.E., Shakmaeva A.R.
52-55   320

The article examines the crucial issues of the functioning of federal state in terms of contemporary geopolitical crisis. Are the point of view of scientists, economists and policy analysts, the problem of the external threat, creating the need for new units and integration with the countries of the...
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Conflict model of international relations: the formation of the specifics in the North Caucasus region

Gadzhiev M.M.
56-60   337

Conflict model of international relations: the formation of the specifics in the North Caucasus region. This article is devoted to the actual topic for modern Russia - the specifics of international relations. The author analyzes the main features of the formation of ethno-political conflicts and ap...
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Social responsibility in the context of crisis in the field of political technologies: potential and prospects

Balatskiy A.M.
61-67   321

The article is on the political technological resourcing of the electoral campaigns. Given the crisis in the field that is represented by the use of standardized and unoriginal technologies, excessively used administrative pressure, etc. there is the need for new positive technologies. Social respon...
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International relations theories about the role of foreign policy in the modern world

Balakhova Z.O.
67-73   506

Foreign policy is the main direction of state’s activity, aimed to guide the relations between countries. It’s a general course of the country on the international scene, which reflects it’s national interests expressed in the form of principles and objectives of the state. In order to get a d...
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Political portraying as a method of analysis of political elites and the prospects of its application in political science

Smirnova E.I.
73-79   579

Political portraying as a method allows to get a full knowledge of political leader and to predict its behavior and the effectiveness of interaction with other policies has a considerable heuristic potential In this article the author analyzes the causes of emergence method of portraiture in Russian...
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Event as a factor is the formation of the political agenda in contemporary Russia

Lushankin S.S.
80-87   332

The article is devoted to the factors influencing public policy. The work was based on methods of structural content analysis and event analysis. Public policy is understood as a process of political decision-making on the most important issues of our time. The author considers this process as an on...
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Cross-sector social partnersships as tool for implementation of state youth policy in Russia and Kazakhstan

Aitzhanova D.N.
87-92   341

In the article provides the essence of three-sector theory of the civil society, the definition of the concept of “cross-sector social partnership” in European political science and the domestic approach. The author analyses forms of cross-sector social partnership in formation and implementatio...
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Features of migration processes in modern Ingushetia

Chapanov A.K.
92-98   360

In this article the author attempted to study the causes and features of migration in the Republic of Ingushetia. The work is based on statistical and real facts, relating to the population of Ingushetia, migratory movements within the Republic, Ingush diaspora, as well as the works of local and for...
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Russia's information security and threats to the global information society

Sulimin A.N.
98-104   314

The purpose of a scientific article is the study of information threats of Russian society and the state in the context of globalization. Modern society entered on information stage of the development that changes traditional forms of interaction between the power and society, and information become...
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Uncontrolled migration as a national security threat

Kalgin M.V.
104-109   352


Urmanov D.R.
110-115   362

In this article, the author attempts to determine political Islam formation process and struggle between Kemalism and Islamism adherents after the foundation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. The author circumstantially describes the reasons of confrontation and the ensuing struggle. The author cha...
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Identification and detection talent hold motivator in health care

Peshkova P.V., Khodenkova O.P.
116-119   325

Problems of increase of labor motivation of nurses is an important function of health administration. Without their solutions can hardly be a real improvement in the quality and culture of medical aid to the population, as well as improving the efficiency of health care institutions (MPI) and the in...
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State audit as a tool of Russian economic growth

Sitnikova V.A.
119-123   323

A role of the state audit as one of tools of economic growth in Russia is considered in the article. As a “quality” tool of management of financial resources allocated performance audit. By analyzing the activities of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation as the supreme body of state co...
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Special economic zone as a policy instrument economic openness of the country (on the example of the SEZ “Lotus”)

Chapkovskaya E.A.
123-127   324

In the context of globalization of the world economy for most countries are becoming increasingly important problems related to ensuring of openness of national economies, their integration into the world economy. Due to this, they seek to extract economic benefits from participation in the internat...
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Selective comsumer in the internet as a carrier of derivative subjectivity

Nikolaeva E.M., Fedchenko S.S.
128-134   296

The article examines the factors that determine the specificity of modern mass society. It lists the major social changes that determined the change in the development of mass society. The process of becoming a modern mass society is determined by the specifics of the impact of the Internet. The aut...
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Ideology in the system of the public consciousness

Smirnova E.V.
134-141   365

The article is devoted to the problem of defining ideology. The author shows that, despite the fact that the term “ideology” is one of the most popular in social science and political practice, we still don’t have unified definition of it. The author describes a number of different definitions...
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The phenomenon of globalization in the cultural and civilizational context

Rakhinskiy D.V.
141-146   319

This article discusses the possibility of disclosure content, forms and dynamics of social structures at various levels and stages of history. The analysis uses a cultural and civilizational approaches. It is proved that globalization is in cultural and civilizational context and has on these phenom...
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Historical and philosophical analysis of development of leadership’s issues in western philosophy

Gurnak A.V.
147-155   320

Leadership is the one of the most difficult and most interesting phenomena in the development of human society. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive analysis of establishing of the theory of leadership in the Western philosophical thought. In the article the principal temporary stages were i...
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L. Althusser’s concept of overdetermintion

Osina E.Yu.
155-161   498

The French philosopher Louis Althusser has done a great contribution of exploring the materialist conception of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. He managed to overcome many conflicts through more complete and in-depth analysis of the concept. In this article we have considered the theory of determina...
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Humanism and the man of the XXI century

Polikanova E.P.
162-167   337

The article analyzes the humanistic ideal, in the tradition of which is the principle of humanity. freedom, justice. equality, etc. Ideas humanism appeared a long time ago, the society can not develop without understanding the significance of man, his place in society, its opportunities. It is shown...
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The characteristics of the cultural complex of the korean ethnic group

Pak E.G.
168-174   317

Culture is an integral characteristic feature of any ethnic group. Korean culture has been hidden from Western civilization because of rigid isolation of the country until the end of the nineteenth century. This culture has developed over thousands of years as a secondary on the periphery of the Chi...
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