Formation and development of education Sevastopol (From the history of public education)

Novikova E.V.


The article is devoted history of becoming and development of education Sevastopol. The first civil institution of Sevastopol was opened in 1828. It was a district school. These schools are attended mainly boys. But in 1849, Elizabeth Devaux-Saint-Felix opens the girl's half-board, which taught God's Law, Russian, French, German, geography, music and dancing. In Sevastopol, as well as throughout the Russian Empire, there is a rapid increase in the number of primary schools. In the second half of the 70-ies of the XIX century, the city operated 13 schools. In 1881, the number of students has increased in Sevastopol more than 100 people - 947 people. In the early 90-ies of the XIX century in the city there were 1 city school Regulation 1872, 1 two-year parish, 8 schools under the jurisdiction of school boards, 3 private, 1 Jewish, 1 nautical.Konstantinovskoe real school, founded in 1875, made it possible to act upon its completion in technical institutes. The name of the school is named after Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, who was then the Academy of Sciences. In school, children learn from different social classes - the sons of the middle class, the titular counselor, conductors naval crews, honorable citizens, noblemen, collegiate assessor, non-commissioned officers, farmers, etc. Also takes the non-Orthodox religious parties - the Karaites, Catholics, Greek Catholics, Reformists, Jews, Evangelicals, representatives of the Armenian-Gregorian faith. His task of teaching staff considered it necessary to raise highly moral person, possessing the skills of cultural behavior. At meetings of the teachers' council of the teacher to analyze the behavior of students.During the activity Konstantinovsky School hosted many guests, including the royal family. So, May 7, 1886 the school was visited by Emperor Alexander III, Empress, Prince and other royal officials.
