Russia's information security and threats to the global information society

Sulimin A.N.


The purpose of a scientific article is the study of information threats of Russian society and the state in the context of globalization. Modern society entered on information stage of the development that changes traditional forms of interaction between the power and society, and information becomes the main value of the public relations.The analysis of the international and Russian program documents devoted to formation of global information community is carried out. A theory of network power is main scientific approach of research. Formation of institutes of the electronic government is provided by agreements at the interstate level. Main purpose is creation of uniform system of the electronic government in the world. The system of open public administration in Russia is implemented with the help of foreign technology that undermines the national security of the state. The author draws conclusions that global trends of information society are directed on formation of the supranational network power lowering a role of the state institutes of the Russian Federation in socio-political processes. National identity is the most vulnerable segment of state security in information society which becomes transformed to supranational information type of political culture. The main condition of strengthening of national security of the Russian Federation is creation of system of the state information security.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2016 No. 1 (46)




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