The formation of the image of “the other” in the relations of West African peoples and british missionaries in the second half of XIX century

Kudryashova Y.A.


The articles studies relations between West African peoples of Ibo and Joruba, and British missionaries in the second half of XIX century. The image of “the Other” plays a significant role in the construction of the self-image. One can realize the specific features of one's own culture only through contacts with another culture. The article aims to not just describe the process of formation of the European Christian's image in the eyes of the Western Africans, or the Pagan's image in the eyes of the missionaries, but also to research the cultural transformation and adaptation under the influence of a foreign civilization. The auther tries to single out which innovations introduced by the missionaries could be easily adapted into the native societies. Likewise, borrowing of some African values by missionaries also promoted the effective intercultural dialogue.
