Features of migration processes in modern Ingushetia

Chapanov A.K.


In this article the author attempted to study the causes and features of migration in the Republic of Ingushetia. The work is based on statistical and real facts, relating to the population of Ingushetia, migratory movements within the Republic, Ingush diaspora, as well as the works of local and foreign researchers. The article also analyzes the influence of modern transformational processes on the population of Ingushetia, systematized statistical data on various types of demographic structure of the population. The main problem of migrantsis adaptation at the new place of residence. Massive flows of migrants lead changes in the social structure of the population take jobsaway from locals; increase the burden on the housing and labor market, which negatively affects to the relations between the local residents and migrants. In addition, in the era of information, thanks to various means of communication, it's easier for migrants to preserve their national identity. On the other hand, the increases the part of economically active population in the total population because the migrants are mainly men. To this theme dedicated not much of works. That makes it even more valuable and interesting to research.
