Selective comsumer in the internet as a carrier of derivative subjectivity

Nikolaeva E.M., Fedchenko S.S.


The article examines the factors that determine the specificity of modern mass society. It lists the major social changes that determined the change in the development of mass society. The process of becoming a modern mass society is determined by the specifics of the impact of the Internet. The author analyzes the characteristics of modern social realities that lead to a radical transformation of mass society. We consider the information mass as the type of modern mass society, which is released by German researchers Alexander Bard and Jan Zoderkvist. Provided kind of mass man of the XXI century - the selective consumer by having a special type of subjectivity. Implemented explication of the problem field of study of selective consumer. Substantiates the special role of the Subject - media in the formation of subjectivity selective consumer. Shall review the problem field of the study of subjectivity in comparison with the process of acquiring subjective characteristics of selective consumer. Information and communication technologies are considered in terms of involvement in the selective consumer communication. It revealed diffuse subject-object relations arising in the Internet space.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2016 No. 1 (46)




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