Issue 2013 No. 4 (37)


Kabardinian dukedoms in the Russian and Ottoman relations in the first third of the XVIII century

Rakhaev Dzhamal Ya.
12-16   335

The article discusses the political history of the Kabardian principalities in the system of international relations in the first third of the XVIII century. Reveals the nature, content and the historical experience of the military-political activities of the Ottoman Empire and Russia to impleme...
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The role of the industrial resources of Kuban and Stavropol to top of the industrialization

Salfetnikov Dmitriy A.
16-22   343

This paper focuses on important issues related to resources needed for industrial development of the Kuban and Stavropol to the top of the first five-year plan. Discusses the importance of the agrarian base for the development of industries processing agricultural raw materials, and natural resource...
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Historical experience of formation and development of national pressof mongolian peoples of russian federation in xx century: historiography, problems

Stoyanov Vyacheslav A.
22-30   303

The article summarizes the Russian historiography of the press in the twentieth century. The most detailed is tracked by a national print Mongolian peoples of Russia in the period under review....
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Dichotomy «state – civil society»: historical evolution and modern realities

Moshchelkov Evgeny Nikolaevich
30-44   322

Article is devoted to the analysis of development dichotomizing pair "the state-civil society" in Russia. The author considers in details a historical and political context in which there was a formation of this system of scientific ideas. It is noted that within historical development of socia...
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Ethnopolitical security of the south of Russia in view of the impact of radical youth associations on migration and conflict-prone processes

Usmanov Rafik Kh., Rinat Z. Kinzhuvaev, Remir R. Mukharryamov
44-55   298

In article the problem of the influence of radical political youth associations on the ethnopolitical security of the South of Russia is considered. The authors believe that uncontrolled migration are responsible for the radicalization of young people in the region and ethnic political destabilizati...
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Political institutionalization of social networks in Russian Region (by the example of NGO)

Miroshnichenko Inna V., Gnedash Anna A., Mordasova Tatyana A.
55-65   331

The article examines the stages of political institutionalization of social networks in the regions of Russia. On examples of specific NGOs of Krasnodarskyi krai and Astrakhan region describes how the institutionalization of social networks associated with the conversion of social resources into pol...
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Some results of local government developments in Russia

Monin Vadim V.
65-68   278

The article is devoted to the 25th anniversary of re-creation of local self-governance in modern Russia. It sets out the hypothesis for future research on the status of local government, providing the key indicators which may enable the research work. Such parameters include the shape of the legal s...
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Selective barrier as an element of electoral engineering

Morozova Oksana S.
68-75   385

The article focuses on the essence of the electoral threshold, which is used in elections in a number of countries around the world. The peculiarities of legal regulation of the electoral threshold. The views of supporters and opponents of the electoral threshold. Considered the electoral threshold:...
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Children’s suffrage: the idea and prospects of implementation

Grishin Nikolay V., Marmilova Yekaterina P.
75-81   359

In XX century a significant spread has the idea of ​​giving voting rights to children. The article analyzes the major projects related to the idea of children’s suffrage. Projects of children’s suffrage, carried out by their parents, are conflictogenic, violate the principle of equal suffrage, could...
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Problems of functioning of a polyconfessional field of the Caspian region in the system of confessional safety (diachronic aspect)

Topchiev Mikhail S., Grigoreva Aleksandra A.
81-87   303

In article process of folding and functioning of a polyconfessional field of the Astrakhan region in its diakhronny aspect which has allowed to the middle of the XX century to create rather flexible mechanisms of realization of the interfaith relations is analysed. Diakhronnoye research of formation...
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"Eastern partnership" as a "soft power" of the European Union on the post-Soviet space

Novoselov Sergey V.
87-93   326

The EU increasingly intensifying its policy in the post-Soviet space, which today has become a zone of intense competition between Russia and the European Union. In the face of declining Russian influence on its surrounding countries, the program "Eastern Partnership", formally adopted by the EU i...
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Problem of personality in political decision-making at the regional level (by the example of Western Siberia)

Shashkova Yaroslava Yu.
93-100   324

The modern process of political decision-making at any level becomes polysubjective and provokes a discussion more and more often. The paper gives an evaluation of various agents’ roles in this process. Election results and surveys, for instance, that one carried out among the residents of Alta...
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The heterogeneity of social space as a factor of social networks differentiation in public policy

Miroshnichenko Inna V., Morozova Yelena V.
100-105   348

The impact of heterogeneity of social space , as a result of the process of glocalization, on the role of social networks in public policy is examined in the article. The authors analyze pre-modern, modern, postmodern and antimodern networks, assess how they influence the development of civil societ...
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Global problems of national economy of Russia and way of its transformation in modern conditions of the Euroasian economic Union

Gavrilina Natalya Ye.
105-108   294

In article the major questions of a state of the art of the Russian economic system, its dynamics and prospects of progress . The author arrangement of social and economic system and level of development of a national economy are considered spends the comparative analysis of the countries of the C...
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The morphological approach to working out of fundamental signs-bases of quality of reproductive labor

Vnukovskaya Tatyana N.
108-114   311

Modernization of economy makes it necessary to transform the structure and quality of labor force. It’s necessary to have a systematic approach to the quality of reproductive labor (QRL). In the article is offered the morphological approach to working out of fundamental signs-bases of quality of r...
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Professional success professional success of consultants masters of service road to the concern of labor economics

Fedotov Sergey N., Chernyshova Olga V.
114-119   293

The article presents the results of scientific research success of master consultants in order to ensure in terms of economics and psychology of labor competitive advantage service systems automotive companies on the Russian market by the example of technical centers automobile companies of Tver, ...
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Interaction model of tourist business actors of Astrakhan region working on public-private partnership

Arutyunyan Svetlana A.
119-124   317

The article examines the challenges in the field of tourism development management in Astrakhan Oblast. There is a ground that public-private partnership system (PPP) is the most optimum alternative of tourist market regulation under existing conditions, as PPP provides joint activities and joint re...
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The application of centralized management structures in health organizations

Belik Yelena A.
124-132   297

The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and applied aspects of formation of centralized and decentralized governance structures. On the basis of the analysis the author makes the case for centralization and concentration of medical organizations in order to increase the effectiveness of...
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Development of organisational dynamic capabilities in hyper competetive environment

Yevdokimova Svetlana V.
132-140   328

The article analyses different approaches to the dynamic capabilities development in a rapidly changing environment on the bases of theoretical researches of foreign scientists and practitioners. It becomes obvious, that there are significant scientific disagreements concerning the results and con...
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Development factor of special economic zonez in Russian Regions

Kryukova Yekaterina V.
140-146   302

The article explores theoretical and methodological aspects of improvement of operation of free economic zones. Based on the analysis provided, the author suggests defining “free economic zone” more precisely, classifies free economic zones which allows determining their economic and social operatio...
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The principles of effectiveness of public investment and stimulation of private differentiation in tax rates

Konstantin N. Makarov
146-151   322

The problem of attracting private investment in production is connected with low income, low savings rate and high risks in domestic market. The differentiation of tax rates can solve the problem of poor investment in the Russian economy, based on the principles of government and private investment....
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The mechanism for the vertical coordination of the multi-level regional strategies of social and economic development

Melnikova Natalya S.
151-158   334

The article is devoted to the problem of elaboration and basing of the choice of the mechanism for vertical coordination of strategies of social and economic development at the regional level....
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Interrelation of economic resources and dynamic capabilities of organization

Rybalkina Yelena G.
158-164   297

The article considers the conditions and the possibility of creating long-term competitive advantage through a combination of economic resources and the development of dynamic capabilities. The article deals with the concept of resources, competencies and their classification. The article shows that...
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Features of remuneration in social areas in modern Russia

Samsonova Olga V.
164-168   374

The article contains the analysis of the characteristics of pay in medicine and higher education after the introduction of the new pay system in the budget sector of the economy. An experience of implementing a new approach to remuneration for example, medicine and higher education in the Astrakha...
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The peculiarities contradictions of the modern socio-economic development

Sliva Svetlana V.
168-175   314

The current state of social production is investigated. The present stage of social evolution is shown as a stage of development that is characterized by significant resource and structural changes. Nature of the changes of social production is proved. A set of contradictions is identified, that det...
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Dichotomy of human existence and mechanisms of escape from freedom in the proceedings of E. Fromm

Baeva Lyudmila V., Radchenko Oksana Yu.
175-182   319

The phenomenon analysis "escape from freedom", presented in the middle of the XX century E. Fromm, in modern society gains the increasing relevance. In article are analyzed the source and mechanisms of this phenomenon reveal, the psychological, sociocultural, political factors promoting its streng...
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On transformations in scientifical and technical creative work

Pristavakin Ilya N.
182-187   316

The article offers a philosophic methodology of transformations. One can know how many they are and what every of them is according to this methodology. The author shows how to identify any way of metaphor by means of inductive method of thinking. This approach enables all those who study science a...
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Tendencies of development of ideas of motivation in behaviour psychology

Gaynutdinova Yekaterina V.
187-195   302

The achievements of psychology made and continue to make the significant contribution to studying the problem of motivation within which researches of the development mechanism of requirement, motive, incentive, the purpose, will, etc. in human activity were conducted that couldn’t but be reflected ...
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The problem of government in Plato’s philosophical perspective of Russian culture in the late XIX–early XXI century

Podvoyskiy Leonid Ya.
195-206   309

The article briefly analyzed the work of Russian scholars social philosophy of Plato, written over more than a century of the period. It is emphasized that the interest in Plato exhibit specialists in various areas of human knowledge and philosophy, ethics, political science, sociology, history, l...
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Psychology of the Development of Professional Elites in Institution of Higher Education (results of formative experiment)

Karabushchenko Natalya B.
206-215   332

The author presents the programme of the development of professional elites in an institution of higher education, determines the nature of the influence of the elitizing environment on students as subjects of potential elite and introduces the findings of the forming experiment....
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Rating and anti-rating of elite: imitation and elitism falsification in elite

Karabushchenko Pavel L.
215-224   313

Modern political leaders and elites are simply mad about the ratings. Political advertizing (as which PR acts) serves them sometimes as the unique justification of their stay in the power. But can we say, that ratings reflect the real party of political elite and why they are necessary Many ratings ...
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Corporeity Code in А. Mariengof’s Literary and Critical Discourse

Isaev Gennadiy G.
224-232   318

It is proved in the article that А. Mariengofs corporeity category is, first, the object of ref1ection and, second, descriptive and expressive beginning ofthe literary and critical discourse оп the basis of analysis of the essay "Buyan Island: Imagism", corporeity category is ап expression of папа...
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The problem of cultural security in the situation of Frontier heterotopia territories(by the example of the Astrakhan Region)

Yakushenkov Sergey N., Samsonova Natalya V.
232-238   300

In the conditions of heterotopia of polyethnic relations in some territory it is very important to keep balance of different ethnic and social actors of local politics. The situation of Frontier or moving borders’ cultural landscape makes this balance to be more an imaginary than a real fact. Astr...
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Multiculturalism as the cultural policy in the frontier’s territory

Khlyshcheva Yelena V., Azhigereeva Zarina G.
238-243   318

Frontier is a territory of crossing many cultures. On the one side, this leads to the synthesis of culture traditions and the emergence of new forms of cultural and social contacts, which is typical for transcultural communities. On the other side, in the frontier we can feel the intensity both so...
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The role of national societies in the formation of regional culture on the example of the Astrakhan region

Kusmidinova Mariya Kh.
243-250   346

In most regions of the world among ethnic groups has historically conditioned character and therefore do not pose a threat to their cultures. There phenomenon affects historically develop the optimum inter-ethnic distance: not impeding intergroup interaction, it is at the same time ensures the integ...
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Cultural heritage in cultural memory of young residents of Astrakhan

Romanova Anna P., Kharchenko Marina V.
250-256   322

Cultural memory and a cultural heritage are closed and interconnected concepts. However not always, that cultural heritage which we have, is fixed in our cultural memory. Article represents the analysis of the pilot sociological researches devoted to a place of monuments, connected with a cultura...
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The Influence of the cultural processes of the Low Volga Frontier on the women’s position in the Kazakh Society

Nagima A. Yermukhanova
256-262   301

The article is devoted to the changing of the position of Kazakh women in the traitional society. The author tries to show the influence of the frontier on the Low Volga region on the Kazakh society. The migration of the Kazakhs to the Low Volga region allows us to see the mutual influence of ...
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Transgression as a mode of existence in the frontier heterotopia

Yakushenkova Olesya S.
262-267   294

The article is devoted to different forms of transgression and its characteristics on heterotopic spaces of frontier. This term is very popular and it can be found in the works of M. Blanchot, Derrida, G. Bataille, P. Klossowski, M. Foucault, etc. However, these authors often give it a connotation a...
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Analysis of the distinguishing features of the formation of ethno-confessional space of the Russian Astrakhan (by the example of Orthodoxy and Catholicism)

Dryagalov Vyacheslav S., Topchiev Mikhail S.
267-272   316

The article analyses the peculiarities of the ethnic and confessional policy, carried out by the local authorities taking into account the unique multi-confessional specificity of Russian Astrakhan, in the conditions of the nationwide support of Orthodoxy and restrictions on the activities of other ...
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Another in explanatory dictionaries of non-standard lexicon

Ryabichkina Galina V., Lebedeva Irena V.
272-279   310

The article characterizes the contradictions between norm and non-norm in the language, between “own” and “another”. Base language forms are focused on the standard, in language constant replenishment by alien elements which find reflexion with in dictionaries of non-standard lexicon....
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Problems of falsification in a domestic historical science

Timofeeva Yelena G., Lebedev Sergey V.
279-284   345

Falsification of national history represented danger to the Russian society as promoted mifologizatsiya of public consciousness, to creation of the deform representations about a historical way of Russia and, finally, conducted to split of a society and blasting of bases of statehood. In article it ...
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"Domostroy" in the domestic source study: the problem of falsification

Voronova Anna A.
284-289   527

The article is devoted to conscious and purposeful distortion of the ancient historical source Domostroj in the national historiography, which enjoyed the same success in the social life of Russia XVI - XIX centuries. Identify the causes of fraud. The author of the work done on the analysis of the s...
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Mythologization of the historical past in the public consciousness

Zubova Oksana G.
289-296   332

The article deals with urgent questions connected with the problem of mythologization of the historical past in Russian public opinion. Today the process of revision of the concept of history, in a greater degree is connected not with research scientists, and with the attempt through the story i...
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Ehtics and social aspects of the problem conserning evaluation the quality of a scientist’s work

Bicharova Mariya M.
296-305   303

An actual and recently well-discussed question of evaluation the quality of a scientist’s work is raised in the article. The humanitarian side of the problem connected with its ethics and social aspects is involved. In particular, some difficulties of selection adequate criteria and attributes match...
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Gaps in regional history as the basis for falsifications (by the example of judicial reform of 1864 in the Astrakhan province)

Chernik Mariya V.
305-309   297

In article regional experience of transformations of system of judicial system and legal proceedings, in connection with introduction of provisions of Judicial reform of 1864 in the territory of the Astrakhan province is investigated. The situation when as a result of information gaps in regional ...
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Critical analysis of the understanding of the feminine in philosophy O. Weininger

Usmanova Liya R.
309-315   306

Article is devoted to a critical analysis to any and probably subjective ideas of the Austrian philosopher Otto Weininger «Sex and Character: An Investigation Of Fundamental Principles» concerning a feminine. The author, based on the works of Russian philosophers stated by domestic researchers, trie...
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Falsification as a subject of scientific research

Yuliya O. Tutarinova
315-320   304

In the last decade fraud in scientific research has reached such proportions that it has become the subject of scientific interest itself. The reasons for this situation can act as a significant increasing to create a name for the scientists themselves in science, receiving prestigious awards, or ...
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The five-day war or falsification as the primary method of information war

Aliev Aygub A.
320-326   303

The article analyzes the role of falsification applied in the framework of the information war the belligerents. An assessment of the role of mass media in the lighting business events in the period of confrontation of the parties. Work is executed on the basis of the examination of the conflict...
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The election campaigns of candidates for the post of the head of the municipality “city of Astrakhan” in 2012 year: the expert analysis

Dantes Vadim G.
326-333   317

The article deals with the views of experts on the successful and unsuccessful decisions taken by the candidates for the post of the Head of the municipality "City of Astrakhan" in the election campaign of 2012. Published results are the one of the sections of the expert interview “Use’s possibiliti...
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Russian and Kazakhstan relations as one of the factorto stabilities in the Caspian region

Dzhantaleeva Madina Sh.
333-339   316

In article is considered double-sided cooperation to Russia and Kazakhstan in Caspian region. Russia and Kazakhstan are an most authoritative state in given region, which use serious economic and political influence as a whole row regional and international organization, which voice heed folk and le...
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Operations of commercial banks with precious metals

Masalov Aleksandr A.
339-347   283

The article describes the institutional and legal framework of the Russian operations of commercial banks in precious metals, carried out on the basis of special licenses ( authorized banks ) or without (non - authorized banks ). We characterize the general requirements of state-tion of coins and ...
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Influence of ethnical and political elite on a conflict-genic sitationin the South of Russia

Kulova Karina N.
347-352   273

The author reveals the content of the notion “ethno-political elite”, analyzes ethno-political situation in the South of Russia and the problem of ethnicization, considers conflictogene factors in international relations. The article is aimed to show the role of political and ethno-political elite...
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Ethnopolitical security of the South of Russia in the light of the influence of inter ethnic and economical problems and migration problems of Transcaucasia

Vladimir V. Smolev
352-357   263

During the last 20 years after the disintegration of the Soviet Union on the southern borders of Russia repeatedly flashing international and inter ethnic conflicts among Transcaucasian states and also serious social-economical problems in the states of this region led to the mass-migration flow...
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Role of female public associations in political system of modern Russia

Bekizheva Dina I.
357-361   273

Modernization and democratization of political system created favorable structures of political opportunities for emergence and development of various associations, including female, become major institutes of civil society through which women have a real opportunity to aggregate and articulate the ...
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Ethnic preferences of host families in Au Pair choosing

Mantserova Olga V.
361-368   225

The author’s study is aimed at the determination of the ethnic preferences of host families in Au Pair choosing within the framework of the international programme of cultural exchange Au Pair. The findings of the analysis of intercultural studies of Russian and foreign researchers, interviews ...
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Russian orthodox church in the information society

Yermakova Mariya V.
368-374   291

Russian Federation has officially taken a course for setting and developing the information society. Russian Orthodox church which has its tradition and operation deeply entwined with the past and the present of Russia rightly declares itself a participant of the process. The article deals with the ...
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Personnel basis of the efficiency improvement of authoritative mission in Russia

Shokhakat M. Atoyan, Kritskaya Anna A.
374-382   266

The article deals with the problems relating to the personnel basis of the efficiency improvement of authoritative mission in Russia. One of the problems of implementing the uniform personnel policy is the heterogeneity of Russian society. To create a strong state, that effectively implements its ...
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Political crisis in Astrakhan in 2012. The review of N. Grishin monograph“Electoral Crisis and Political Protest in Astrakhan in 2012”, Saarbrücken, Astrakhan,

Kudriashova Ekaterina V., Marmilova Ekaterina P.
382-385   277

The article analyzes the content and the main results of a monographic study of the electoral crisis and the protest movement in Astrakhan in spring 2012 The book under review is the only monographic study of the events described....
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About the issue of forgery in digital era The review of book by Philipp Theisohn Literarisches Eigentum: Zur Ethik geistiger Arbeit im digitalen Zeitalter”

Lebedeva Irena Va.
385-387   218

The book written by Philipp Theisohn, published in 2012 became popular at once, as it enlightens the problems of scientific community and refers to the falsification of texts. The author shows the reader different perspectives on the problem and accompanies the text with sarcastic reflections. The a...
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