"Eastern partnership" as a "soft power" of the European Union on the post-Soviet space

Novoselov Sergey V.


The EU increasingly intensifying its policy in the post-Soviet space, which today has become a zone of intense competition between Russia and the European Union. In the face of declining Russian influence on its surrounding countries, the program "Eastern Partnership", formally adopted by the EU in May 2009, was a new challenge to Russian foreign policy in Eastern Europe. Another initiative in Brussels, with the filing of Poland and Sweden, the objective is in conflict with the Russian integration projects in this area, but so far many of its sections are the declarations of intent. Under the conditions for the EU is not yet possible to firmly engage the former Soviet republics into its orbit, Russia should pay particular attention to both the EU’s failings, and the new moments in his actions affecting our national interests. And do not miss the chance to counter them with a thoughtful course and attractive projects of regional cooperation.
