Corporeity Code in А. Mariengof’s Literary and Critical Discourse

Isaev Gennadiy G.


It is proved in the article that А. Mariengofs corporeity category is, first, the object of ref1ection and, second, descriptive and expressive beginning ofthe literary and critical discourse оп the basis of analysis of the essay "Buyan Island: Imagism", corporeity category is ап expression of папаtог’s inner states. The specific corporal details involved in the creation of artistic images of discourse, giving them the f1exibility and palpability. А. Mariengofs corporeality is always immersed in the cultural context. Corporeity category is sometimes far beyond the bounds of human "biological" body, because corporeity is understood as а principle of organization of all living things. А. Mariengofs key figures and motifs with а corporal semantics аге usually procreation, fertility, life and death. Corporeity "Виуап Island: Imagism" becomes а kind of universal code in his essay that lets us to understand тапу problems of literature.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2013 No. 4 (37)




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