Problems of functioning of a polyconfessional field of the Caspian region in the system of confessional safety (diachronic aspect)

Topchiev Mikhail S., Grigoreva Aleksandra A.


In article process of folding and functioning of a polyconfessional field of the Astrakhan region in its diakhronny aspect which has allowed to the middle of the XX century to create rather flexible mechanisms of realization of the interfaith relations is analysed. Diakhronnoye research of formation of polycultural space of the Astrakhan region as fields of realization of confessional policy shows that, unlike regions of the central and northern part of Russia, its basis are formed throughout several centuries and initially consider difficult polyconfessional structure of the population and geopolitical caused tolerance of relationship between faiths. These characteristics form also rather flexible policy of interaction of the authorities with confessional actors, and formation for many of them regionalno the caused system of preferences, and, respectively, the internal system of the interfaith relations directed on maintenance of social stability.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2013 No. 4 (37)




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